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New D3 What are the known faults?


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Lucky him. When they first came out there was a few design faults but thats all been sorted now, alarms still give probs if you are unlucky.

He better be quick as the D4s are out now, but then I suspect there's fields full of D3s some where.

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When they first came out there was a few design faults but thats all been sorted now

That may prove to be something of an over-simplification :)

However it is true that later (c. 2007 model onwards) vehicles are significantly less problematic than the first couple of years worth of production. There aren't many here because most people knew what the 05/06 ones were like and the model got the sales it deserved based on that, but the later vehicles do seem to give less problems. They haven't fixed them 100% though, saw an 08 just a few days ago still with EGR issues, the spare wheel winch still breaks, and the handbrake unit will inevitably still sound like a Cyberman shorting out after a while (reeeeeeeeeeoooorroowwwwwclickclickclickclick).

Buy with a warranty has to be the overwhelming message, if you're buying new that will be fine :)

I'm not as unlikely to buy one as I was, but I still have my D2. They are very nice vehicles to drive when all the Christmas tree lights are off inside :)

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Some issues I believe with turbo's after 120k which is a humungous job as the body has to come off to change it !!!

Stepbrother had lots of electricla issues with his at first, 54 plate but since then nothing major.

Biggest issue is the ten pound not shredding depreciation !! Stepbrother was offered £7500.00 for his against a new one recently, that's £35k in four years not for me !!

Have a look on the D3 owners club site for more info on issues lots there

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Biggest issue is the ten pound not shredding depreciation !! Stepbrother was offered £7500.00 for his against a new one recently, that's £35k in four years not for me !!

This applies to any new car though... If your daft enough to buy new then you take the hit.

Personally i'd let someone else throw their cash down the bog, and buy a model thats a few years old.

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I am looking to buy a 05/06 model and have found the disco3.co.uk website very helpful!

I have noticed used prices appear to have increased since christmas and there are far less on the market than there were.

I am going to hold off until the D4 come out and hope the market gets flooded with used ones, dropping the prices on the HSE spec models...:)

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Thought I would add my comments, as I am now on my second D3. My first HSE was a November 04, and was a little troublesome early on, with electronic issues in the suspension, repeated parking brake screamers, and a sheared of tailgate strut. To be fair, the dealer sorted it all out and gave me nice cars to play in while it was fixed. The Park brake was a repeat failure, about 4 times in 3 years. Apart from that, it ran reliably for 125000 miles, and I part exchanged it for an 08.5 model year HSE, which has more toys.

The new one so far in 7.5k miles, has had 2 new headlamps - adaptive xenons were sticking on main beam causing much mayhem to vehicles in front! its also had a new transfer box, as the original was noisy. park brake works fine though.

Another thing, the early D3's with the Euro3 engine are quieter, smoother but less powerful and thirstier than the later 07 onwards with Euro4 engines. My new one is noisier than the first, but much quicker to accelerate and is about 4mpg better, averaging 28mpg on an auto. The auto box on the later engine seems to be more accomplished at handling the torque from the engine.

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The new one so far in 7.5k miles, has had 2 new headlamps - adaptive xenons were sticking on main beam causing much mayhem to vehicles in front! its also had a new transfer box, as the original was noisy. park brake works fine though.

Funny you should say that,, just back from Bristol.. and though the headlamps were brighter on dip than usual,, even though the main beam warning was not on,, took a few flashes to shut down main beam !!!

28 mpg,, i wish,, OK, only 2.5K on it, but have yet to see over 21mpg in real terms !!!

I have noticed used prices appear to have increased since Christmas and there are far less on the market than there were.

Only up in price to the levels they were last summer, after the big hits most large vehicles took, Nice stock is in very short

supply,, has been since about Feb time,,

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