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Lucky you!


As to the engine, well, it depends!

If you want a car that will blast along the motorway at 90, then, perhaps it isn't ideal.

If you just want to potter about and are content to amble along in the slow lane then it is a very good engine.

I'd suggest that you use if for a bit, learn about it, service it, and get used to its quirks.

After a few months you will know what you can live with, and what you can't.

Anyway, the 2.5 dieselis a good unit. Not powerful, but a slogger. Seviced and treated well, it will last a good while.

Of course the 200tdi is better, but it can overpower the series 'box if used to its full.

If you want, you could put the 2286 petrol back in, car is worth more in original condition!


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the 2.5nad is a pretty bomb proof engine if looked after - in fact even if abused it lasts forever.

I was promised a more powerful engine in my s2a when the 2.5nad died by her indoors - so i caned it and abused it every single time i used the vehicle (daily driver :blink: ) and 2 years later the stupid thing was still going strong and started on the button.

fuel economy was about mid twenties. it was noisey and unrefined, struggled to maintain 60mph, happier at 50mph and had just enough power to get the back end of the 109 sideways on wet roundabouts on my firestone SATs :D

One thing to check is have they bypassed the voltage reg on the heater plugs box on the engine side of the bulkhead? During summer it aint an issue, but in winter you WILL need your glow plugs/ the 2.5 uses 12v whereas the series used 4v. So make sure your heater plugs are getting the full juice or it'll take forever to start.

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Hi my wife has just bought me a 1965 series 2a swb it was a 2 1/4 petrol but some one has dropped a 2.5N/A in it can any one tell me what they are like as i am thinking of putting at 200tdi in it.

thanks mog

well after starting her up she leaked oil out big style so its coming out and i am going for it.

i am going to fit 200tdi lt77 r230 and disco axles.


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Hi Mog

Lucky you and congrats.

I went from a 2,25 petrol to a 2,5 N/A in my S3 88" and have never regretted it. OK my petrol was shot, but it still pulled the 88" up to 110 km/t on highway - if needed. but there was no low down pulling power for the trailer/caravan left. so in went the 2,5 N/A and what a different. Trialing is now done in 2nd low at idle :D . OK it is more noisy, unrefined and goes no faster than 90 km/t on 235/85-16, but better fuel economy and better torque, plus water proff with snorkel.

and yes it takes a lot of abuse,

about the heater plugs, as it went from a petrol to diesel, i think the builder must have made a hole new heater system, as the petrol doesn't have any. I made a system up from VW Golf 2 parts.

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