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Nasty Clunk


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I've had an intermittent clunk from the back of my rangie for a while now - lately it's been getting less intermittent and noisier...from inside it sounds like it's coming from the offside rear, but running alongside the car it sounds about the same both sides. It's usually heard when running with no load on the drive train, is worse when going round left hand bends and doesn't occur at all in right handers. It's road speed related and unaffected by whether the gearbox is in drive or neutral.

Has my rear diff had it?

This would be bad, seeing as my transfer box is seized and my attempt to remove the rear prop tonight was thwarted by rounding nuts - it's going to need attention from a grinder :( Because of the transfer box, I've no front prop at the moment, so if the rear diff goes it's yellow taxi time.

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Could be, I have also seen a wheel bearing give similar symptoms though, worth checking, particularly the "noisy turning in one direction but not in the other" bit.

The wheel bearing seem to be fine - no movement in either of them. It's not the brakes, either.

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There was no movement in the one on my old Discovery either, such that I nearly thought "oh bugger it I don't know what is wrong" and left it. When I stripped it down I found all the plating was coming away from the bearing shells and the grease was like a grinding paste. No play at all that you could feel though...

IIRC the same was true of my old 90 (before I owned it - it used to belong to the company I work for in a previous life, several owners back) it had a horrible noise, we thought it was the diff then too, but again a wheel bearing on the way out.

Not to say it is that - it could well be the diff pinion bearing or something or also possibly the planetary gears inside the diff - but I wouldn't rule it out just yet as I have made that mistake before!

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If I can get the rear propshaft off I can take it for a run without the half shafts in, which would allow me to eliminate the diff if I still get the noise. It's going to put up a fight though :angry:

Not so - it might also be the A-frame ball joint, but removing the rear prop (and replacing the front one...) wouldn't load the bush in the same way.

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Not so - it might also be the A-frame ball joint, but removing the rear prop (and replacing the front one...) wouldn't load the bush in the same way.

Neither would being in neutral when it also clunks apparently, so I doubt it is that unless it is completely bladdered. Usually an A frame ball joint clunks when you come on and off the power, not cornering or coasting.

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Did you mean Klunk?


Coat on - Running!!

Ha ha, looks like your boy! :D;)

My Landrover makes a clonk when you take-up drive in either direction. It is caused (in my case) by the sliding joint in the front propshaft being utterly knackered and in desperate need of replacement. Any top tips on where to find a new one - good quality at a keen price are the important factors for me?


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Get a genuine one if I were you.

I had the same thing on my old 90 and I got a cheapo pattern one, it was rubbish and doing the same thing within six months... I suppose it depends how fussy you are about a little clunk (very fussy in my case) my one was going donk-donk-donk-donk all the time driving over rough ground, took ages to find what it was but it annoyed the hell out of me! I sold the vehicle instead, that got rid of the noise :)

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The A-Frame ball joint probably is knackered - the bushes certainly are, and that's well up my todo list. In fact, when the clunk first started I thought it was the A-Frame, but like Bogbuster says, it doesn't fit.

Anyway - the clunkings gone away today, and been replaced by a road-speed related vibration. Nice hot hub when I got home, so it looks like it is a dead wheel bearing - nearside as well, was absolutely certain that one was fine :blink: It's the only one I've never worked on...

I've fairly convincingly estabilished that I'm rubbish at wheel bearings, so it's booked into JE Engineering to get them done. They aren't cheap, but at least I'm certain they'll do the job properly.

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You'll end up with a 450bhp chipped and intercooled wheel bearing that will do 200mph and cost you 18 grand :D

Here's hoping :D Think they're more likely to hide my wreck round the back out of sight... :lol:

Wonder what they'll have to say about the knackered transfer box, shot A-Frame bearings, dud steering ball joints, half finished Megasquirt installation (with extra sparks from the old coil :lol: ). Then there's the holes in the boot floor, it's scraped down one side and missing its rear bumper end caps. Dodgy respray and a bit of rust on the bonnet... I'm sure I could think of a few more things :lol:

Probably not their usual custom, but I had a few bits done by them when I first got the truck, and while they aren't cheap I've always felt I'd got decent value for money - more than I can say for some of the cheaper LR specialists I've tried. I now do most things myself, on the grounds that if I can't afford to pay someone good to do it, I might as well. At least if I do a bad job I get to learn from it and do it right the next time, instead of paying good money and still have to spend my own time sorting out the botch.

Unfortunately, despite a fair bit of practice over the last few months I've never really got the hang of wheel bearings. Better at it than one garage I've used though...mine generally hold together for more than a day :angry:

Am I allowed to say "I told you so" or will I get a slap? :ph34r:;)

If you didn't life half way round the bleedin' world I'd come round and tip you out you armchair. Smug git :angry:

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