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hi everyone,

after a little climbing accident i have a totally smashed my right leg and it will stay that way for probally a year or so. the question is does anyone no of a way of getting an acelerator peddle on the left hand side of my brake pedddle so i can drive the disco, by the way its automatic so no cluth needed. someone must do kits for one legged pirates any ideas cheers. i realy realy miss my driving :(

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hi everyone,

after a little climbing accident i have a totally smashed my right leg and it will stay that way for probally a year or so. the question is does anyone no of a way of getting an acelerator peddle on the left hand side of my brake pedddle so i can drive the disco, by the way its automatic so no cluth needed. someone must do kits for one legged pirates any ideas cheers. i realy realy miss my driving :(

Don't know Discos, but the 90 / 110 / Defender pedal braket just bolts onto the footwell, with a cable to the engine. Could you just move the existing one? Is it fancy whizzy ECU or good old Bowden cable?

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Very sorry to hear about your leg, hope it mends well and swiftly.

In response to your question, check with your insurance company etc. I smashed my ankle very badly years ago and spent over a year with various braces, plaster etc. etc.

I actually broke it three days before my first driving test. I couldn't find an instructor that would take me on till it was totally healed, apparently due to insurance as I

wasn't officially "disabled". I wouldn't want you to find out your uninsured the hard way. This was over ten years ago and obviously I was a learner so that might have

had something to do with it. But you know what insurance companies are like for finding reasons not to pay!

Good luck and best wishes


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What Errol says - easy to either move the pedal or bolt a second one on. If it's ECU controlled it's even easier as you can bolt a 2nd one on and then just move the wire to it or show off by fitting a switch so the wife can't accidentally push it thinking it's the clutch.

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so the wife can't accidentally push it thinking it's the clutch.

A comment positively dripping with incorrectness and double entendres. Shame on you! Anyway, if she did "push it" believing in its clutchyness, wouldn't make much odds in an auto?

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A comment positively dripping with incorrectness and double entendres. Shame on you! Anyway, if she did "push it" believing in its clutchyness, wouldn't make much odds in an auto?

apart from, if it is in drive, it accelerating through the garage wall, car in front over a small child, etc.

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apart from, if it is in drive, it accelerating through the garage wall, car in front over a small child, etc.

Hang on, I meant that pressing the left hand, disconnected, not-accelerator pedal in a two-accelerator-pedal setup wouldn't effect things.

I agree that if the not-accelerator pedal was left "live", valuable workshop space, small children and other animals could be at risk.

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A amate of mine is disabled, he has accel + levers etc on column ?


Years ago when I was a mechanic, I regularly worked on a car fitted with a hand accelerator/brake combo lever and steering wheel spinner knob.

Iirc, it wasnt a complicated install - would this be more appropriate than trying to teach your feet to do the opposite of what they have been doing for years?

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cheers for th replys can't belive you know the wife, as for running into the garage i have to own a garage first to run into lol :rolleyes: i would tell the old insurance i was wondering what pirates do when driving an auto as you only need one leg. i'll attach my mri so all you blood thirsty people can see how you break your leg/ankle properly :blink:



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