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VOSA release MOT failure data under FOI


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You can't expect data from a government agency to be 100% correct :rolleyes:

Besides we all know there are lots of pre-1973 defenders out there :unsure:

Why not? It costs enough for an MOT and the bloke (or bloke-et) actually sits there and types the information in. Same goes for DVLA every change of paperwork seems to incur a charge these days so why sohouldn't we expect 100% accuracy - the tax man does.

Not having a go, just thinkhte government should be more accountable rather than hiding behind 'well theres bound to be mistakes'

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I can only find modern Land Rovers or some like a Discovery posing as a 1950s Rover. :huh:

In fact, kit cars default to 1971 on the MOT too it says. Does that mean kit cars have the same test as a vehicle built in 1971? Like visual only on exhaust? Seatbelts only in front etc?

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Why not? It costs enough for an MOT and the bloke (or bloke-et) actually sits there and types the information in. Same goes for DVLA every change of paperwork seems to incur a charge these days so why sohouldn't we expect 100% accuracy - the tax man does.

Not having a go, just thinkhte government should be more accountable rather than hiding behind 'well theres bound to be mistakes'

I had VOSA pay me a visit because of inaccuracies on my Volvo V70 which had appeared on their system as a V90. It might be that this data set was before they'd gone round tidying entries up. IIRC it was several months after the MOT that they got in touch about my vehicle and several more before two blokes turned up to check it was legit

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