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baby on the way, modifications needed!

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OK. baby due in june. good times. got a 3 seat hi cap. possibly not a perfect family car, but hey. the missus is as good as gold, she says it's good enough as long as the sprog doesn't end up sat in the back with the dogs. a fair point, i suppose. so, the simplest thing would be a baby seat that is narrow enough to fit on the middle seat and still leave a little elbow room. they may exist, but i don't know who makes them. any ideas anyone? other option, swap the body for a 5 door csw one. wouldn't mind that as it goes, but i can see it being a bit of a costly way round things. i'm not really keen to get rid of the truck cos i know it now, and it's basically good, engine gearbox, all totally reliable. and it's mine..... any advice peeps?

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sorry but there are no seats that will fit in the middle as the baby will need to travel backwoods

so baby will have to go in the N/S seat missus in the middle

Exactly what we did when we only had the one kid and the 90 was the family (with dogs and buggy) vehicle.

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I went the route of swapping the cubby box with a middle seat for the Missus.

There was no way I could get a car seat in the middle and manage to change gear.

She says it's not too bad but as my son is now over 2 and legs and arms go everywhere we're beginning to look around for a 110 so he can go in the back and the wife can have a normal seat again

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I went the route of swapping the cubby box with a middle seat for the Missus.

There was no way I could get a car seat in the middle and manage to change gear.

She says it's not too bad but as my son is now over 2 and legs and arms go everywhere we're beginning to look around for a 110 so he can go in the back and the wife can have a normal seat again

mmmm...... not too bad a thing having the missus all squished up against me! so it's baby on the passenger seat then and begin the hunt for a csw body. i got 2 years to find one. thanks for all the advice, yes even the first couple! we're not sure about a name yet, i was thinking either chassis for a girl or axle for a boy. is that cruel or just a kind of land rover chavie-ness which is entirely acceptable? ; ) we're open to suggestions..........

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Guest wunntenn

I'm the home dad for our wee boy, and made some 'modifications' to my 110 H/T to accommodate him.

I put an Exmoor lock and fold seat in the back for him, hacked out the bulkhead and fitted a Mud bar, removing sufficient metal to allow me to climb into the back from the front, and had two custom alloy windows made and fitted them so he'd a good view out of the sides, and the lockable storage box I built at the bulkhead doubles perfectly as a nappy changing area.

I work from the vehicle so its all Eberspacher'ed and insulated and he's been with me on numerous jobs since he was 5 months old, working right through two winters now in pretty serious conditions, and really enjoys it. So - might be easier to do a hard top conversion - certainly a lot cheaper - I was going to do the CSW conversion as far as the rear doors (but no windows) but the cost was prohibitive.

Slightly off-topic but might be useful info - We got a Jane Slalom Pro all-terrain pram because it has a special baby seat attachment which is a proper car seat as legally required for babies, but unusually it is hinged so can be flattened to allow the baby to lie down (read about why this is important). Its all EU legal and compliant with all applicable certification. Pram is excellent and goes easily over landrovery terrain. When the baby is too big for the baby seat, the pram has all the gubbins for the wee one to go in there without the baby seat, with full waterproof covers - we've tested it in blizzards and deluges and its great.

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I'm the home dad for our wee boy, and made some 'modifications' to my 110 H/T to accommodate him.

I put an Exmoor lock and fold seat in the back for him, hacked out the bulkhead and fitted a Mud bar, removing sufficient metal to allow me to climb into the back from the front, and had two custom alloy windows made and fitted them so he'd a good view out of the sides, and the lockable storage box I built at the bulkhead doubles perfectly as a nappy changing area.

I work from the vehicle so its all Eberspacher'ed and insulated and he's been with me on numerous jobs since he was 5 months old, working right through two winters now in pretty serious conditions, and really enjoys it. So - might be easier to do a hard top conversion - certainly a lot cheaper - I was going to do the CSW conversion as far as the rear doors (but no windows) but the cost was prohibitive.

Slightly off-topic but might be useful info - We got a Jane Slalom Pro all-terrain pram because it has a special baby seat attachment which is a proper car seat as legally required for babies, but unusually it is hinged so can be flattened to allow the baby to lie down (read about why this is important). Its all EU legal and compliant with all applicable certification. Pram is excellent and goes easily over landrovery terrain. When the baby is too big for the baby seat, the pram has all the gubbins for the wee one to go in there without the baby seat, with full waterproof covers - we've tested it in blizzards and deluges and its great.

that sounds like a pretty good compromise between utility/family vehicle. i'd like to see a couple of snaps if you've got any. the buggy sounds ideal too, very modular. i'll have a look on ebay....... any experience of the landrover branded ones? i guess you pay a lot for the name, but i don't think a lot of our kit's gonna be brand new anyway. quality 2nd hand is more our style. we aint posh, see?!?

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Guest wunntenn

Yes can send some snaps - give me some time to take a few and I'll send on. PM me with contact details for direct email please. LR branded chairs? Well you can stick a LandRover sticker on a Toyota and its still a Toyota! "The car in your front is a Toyota!" ......as their advertizing will need to now say.. :-)

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Firstly congratulations, secondly I had the same problem when ours was on the way/young (now two) I also as someone else has mentioned could not find a seat for the middle for the simple reason when very young the little fellows has to face backwards.

What we do now is have two car seats one forward facing on the passenger seat and I take him out on what have become known as 'lads trips' anything from getting the paper to going to work at the weekends to check on the guys working, hunting etc.

If we go out as a family he goes with in the other car with a back seat.

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that sounds like a pretty good compromise between utility/family vehicle. i'd like to see a couple of snaps if you've got any. the buggy sounds ideal too, very modular. i'll have a look on ebay....... any experience of the landrover branded ones? i guess you pay a lot for the name, but i don't think a lot of our kit's gonna be brand new anyway. quality 2nd hand is more our style. we aint posh, see?!?

As far as buggies go we bought a 3 wheeler froma car boot sale for £20 for when we go romping through forests. I looked at the land rover buggies and they do look good but they have quite a price tag attached to them as you can't get them new any more.

I would look at a mountain buggy on ebay, they have disc brakes and front steering

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