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ChrisV8 very poorly


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Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place but I have some sad news...

I received a phone call last night from ChrisV8's wife. Unfortunately I was unable to speak to her until this morning.

It turns out Chris is quite seriously ill and is currently in the intensive care unit at Whitehaven hospital. I will refrain from going into details on here (it being a public forum etc... I hope you understand)

Chris' wife has asked me to inform the Land Rover community of his state of health as she is sure it would be his wish. She has also asked me to do this on her behalf as she simply doesn't know the people he was friendly with in these circles (and lets face it, he's helped lots of us in one way or another!) or the forums that Chris uses.

To reduce the number of enquires directly to his wife, it has been agreed between his wife and I that I shall act as go between. I will remain in contact with her and update the forums as soon as possible of any developments.

I've tried to contact as many poeple as possible by phone to make them aware of the situation, if I've not managed to contact you directly today, please accept my appologies.

If you would like further information, (or an address to send 'Get well' cards to) I can be contacted either by PM or on 07780 606 318

Please, lets all send positive thoughts to Chris and his family at this time.


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I've had a message from Chris tonight saying...

Quote, "Si. Quick update in Carlisle. Looks as if kids [kidneys] ok. Waiting on biopsy results. Will be more chemo probs. Thank everyone for good wishes. Chris."

Please consider yourselves thanked!

Any further news and I'll update you all.

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