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mpg estimates


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im going on the second leg of my epic euro road trip in the mornin, i went ,hamburg,paris,orleans,dordognes, and now headed east towards the alps etc..i cant get to grips with how much juice im needing? i spent 250 euros so far.

the 200tdi i have is workin well as i expected...would anyone like to venture an estimate from bergerac to stuttgart germany?

im guessing 2 full tanks?? :(

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i filled it to the brim for the 1st part and refuled as soon as the reserves were showin. due to the fact i didnt wanna risk runnin out b4 the next service station.

i arrived with half a tank showing :) but...it appears to me that the 1st half last as much as twice as long as the second half of the tank? is that possible?

from full it creeps until it hits the halfway mark then seems to drop like the sun in winter!! is this my imagination?

oh yeah NEVER take a defender into the centre of stuttgart the hill climbs on some roads are EXTREME!!

i think i need some more driving experiences though cos i really got flustered some places.

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i think i need some more driving experiences though cos i really got flustered some places.

I recommend Naples, you will love it. Have a little practice in Florence then Rome on the way there.ph34r.giflaugh.gif

The first half of a fuel tank always lasts longer than the second, it is because the car is lower during the first half tank (when it is heavier and compresses the springs) and therefor has less wind resistance. Remember to always fill up before half a tank and you can get up to 74% more MPG!

...or perhaps the gauge is not linear? I have never found one that is - I can do 80 miles in my Defender before the gauge moves from it's end-stop.


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74% more mpg?

thats the kind of info that should be printed in the manual. im sure your right too,but its insane.

i will be doin italy soon and im dreading it.

at the moment im doin north/west europe, and touchin scandinavia well, denmark <_< im lucky indeed in travel this year :)

thats has blown me away though 74% thats.... im gonna consult the einsteins guide to time an motion.

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are you sayin that the rt hon gentlemen is wrong? :unsure:

No, I'm saying he's winding you up because you asked a slightly daft/lazy question.

The gist of the answer is that there is a little needle on your dashboard that tells you how much fuel you have, and a little counter that tells you many miles you've driven, and if you're unable/incapable of putting two and two together after a short period of vehicle ownership then nasty sarcastic people on internet forums are going to make up silly replies in the hope that you'll work it out for yourself either with a calculator, or by running out of fuel 74% earlier than the internet told you you would and having to contemplate the issues raised during a long walk to a petrol station in the middle of nowhere.

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i'm sure the needle topic has been covered before, i seem to remember it popping up. wasn't it something to do with the psychological aspect of having a full tank, and the driver not wanting to see his nice expensive tank of fuel disappearing too quickly? hence the needle dropping slowly for the first half....

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i'm sure the needle topic has been covered before, i seem to remember it popping up. wasn't it something to do with the psychological aspect of having a full tank, and the driver not wanting to see his nice expensive tank of fuel disappearing too quickly? hence the needle dropping slowly for the first half....

Probably more down to the shape of the tank and having a float or similar gauge which measures depth rather than volume.

I would be very surprised if LR went to the lengths above on a Defender! I am easily surprised though!

I would definitely advise following this advice though!

When the little needle points to the red bit, you need more juice :ph34r:

Seriously though, you can always use the MPG quoted elsewhere in forums and documentation (validated for your driving style) to work out approximately how many miles you should be able to go between fills, and divide the distance with that to work out the number of stops you require.

Stops for fuel = round up(journey length in miles/(tank capacity in gallons*miles per gallon))

Cheers and have a great trip


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yeah im not the sharpest tool in the box that is clearly evident :blush: all i can say is your orrible b§$%&?!!..

still i suppose stupid is as stupid asks.

i now consider this matter closed :angry:

Glad you took it in good humor. ;)

If you start measuring your MPG between fill ups you could enjoy some experimentation to see how much different fuels and driving types affect economy - for example, the difference between driving at 55 and 65mph (a substantial difference I bet!!) or the difference between regular diesel and 'Premium' diesel. On a road trip to Portugal or the Pyrenees (I forget) some other forum members and I tried the 'Premium' stuff in our 200 and 300 Tdi and Td5 90s (we each had different engines) and found quite a difference. Unlike in the UK the price difference is only a couple of cents/litre on the continent. Needless to say, the above only really works if driving types are the same, i.e. both tanks on the motorway rather than one motorway and one on Alpine passes! You also need to measure fuel by filling the tank rather than relying on the (obviously unreliable!) gauge.

Have a good trip - 92.6% of people do. ;):P


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i just set the miles meter to zero and filled the tank til i could see the juice ,as in really full to the brim.

that took me exactly 406 miles b4 the fuelight started flashing.

my average speed was around 65-70 and i covered it in one hit, in just under 8 hours.

i gotta take things in good humour with a face like mine :lol:

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