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How possible/safe/long is it to drive from London to South Africa, on a continental tour?

I'm not trying to get to the cup final, before anyone asks :P It's just something I've always fancied doing.

Keeping in mind that I'd cross at Dover and Gibraltar, I'd like to get there in the straightest possible line.

Can this be done (It has obviously been done before, but some countries aren't safe to travel in)

Ta :)

EDIT: I would also like to know what sort of prices to pay for diesel, as I'm sure it's not going to be the same as the UK's outrageous prices!

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been planning a similar trip for a while, think its best to go down the east route, ie Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya etc

you can go in a diagonal line through southern Algeria into Niger and Nigeria but this is a very remote route and one I would probably avoid (just my opinion, Northern Nigeria can be a bit volatile)

they are going to be dangers no matter what way you go. The Western Sahara region is quite dangerous, so is the region between Moyale and Marsabit in northern Kenya - bandit territory.

Petrol and diesel are available all over Africa but it can be expensive in parts (more so than in the UK in places) and varies widely in quality. A US dollar can go a long way in many parts of Africa though.

Best way to go is as part of a group simply for support and safety in numbers but it's possible to do solo.

However, having grown up in Eastern and Southern Africa, I can tell you that the majority of people you will meet on the way will be very friendly and helpful and you can always find parts and mechanics even in the remote areas. Which reminds me, use steel wheels not alloys, there are plenty of people who can weld in Africa, a broken alloy is much more difficult to have repaired.

Plan carefully, read lots (there are loads of books written by people who have done the same journey and be as safe a possible, which mainly means keeping your wits about you.

Hope this helps


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Hope this helps


Thanks JB. Do you have any books you can recommend me?

I'm keen to do this, but I'd not do it alone...! As silly as it might sound, I have a firearms and shotgun licence, so I'd take a shotgun at least (for emergency purposes only, which would primarily be to get me food, if I broke down in the middle of nowhere) However I'd like it for my protection too...! :rolleyes: However I'm not doubting you, if you say that the majority of the journey will be safe, it's just those other bits that worry me!

Thanks for your help :)

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<..> so I'd take a shotgun at least (for emergency purposes only<..>

Not trying to P on your chips, but I doubt if it would get past the first border/police search, so make sure it's a cheap one! (I lost a swiss army knife many years ago because 'it is a weapon' - more likely it was shiny and would fetch a few dollars..)

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Not trying to P on your chips, but I doubt if it would get past the first border/police search, so make sure it's a cheap one! (I lost a swiss army knife many years ago because 'it is a weapon' - more likely it was shiny and would fetch a few dollars..)

I've got one that cost about £100, so it'll be no loss.

Sounds great - don't want to dishearten you but its illegal to take your shotgun out its cabinate for that length of time anyway.

You can legally carry a firearm in a public place, so long as you have a valid reason. This, in conjunction with the fact that it'll be secured in the Landy, with a trigger lock and gun cable, it's deemed safe to carry.

I'm sure carrying a shotgun is going to cause more problems than its worth!

I'd rather be somewhere with it, than without. Imagine breaking down 200 miles from civilisation and something's gone wrong with your communications! A rifle or shotgun will become a lifesaver. ;) (Or a quick end to a miserable death :P )

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One book I would start with is Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux. It's not about travelling by Land Rover: Paul Theroux travels overland from Cairo to Cape Town by bus, by lifts and by train and it's all about the people he meets and the places he visits, a good insight to Africa.

Dervla Murphy wrote a good book about cycling across Africa but I can't remember what it's called.

There are loads of travel writers that have written about Africa. Avoid some of the American writers (although Paul Theroux is an exception to this rule). IMO they offer a very blinkered and naive view of Africa.

Put it this way, you need to read about the people and cultures (of which there are many) and try and learn what being in Africa is like. You can plan your route around where you want to go and what you want to see.

Try and pick up the Africa Geographic Website to get an idea of some of the places you want to see and read some of the news journals to keep up to speed with the political news.

Oh, and don't take a gun, totally unnecessary and border searches can be thorough. For example, going into Botswana you would be thoroughly searched to ensure you are not taking beef into the country (an effort to protect their beef industry). Plus people are more likely to shoot at you if you are armed. Take lots of packets of cigarettes instead, they will get you further than a gun.

My mum and sister were able to travel from Nairobi to Cape Town by themselves by bus and train and they were fine. My dad did safaris through countries in civil war and didn't have too many problems (other than one time in Uganda when some troops were pointing AKM's at my mum and me and dad knocked one of them out!! :rolleyes: ).

I'll try and dig out a few books to give you some recommendations.


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