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Target for 4x4 haters


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Got back to my Freelander 2 today, parked in a city centre open air car park. There was a note under the wiper that had been designed to look like a police ticket - yellow and black check border. It was a note from a 4x4 hater, telling me I had a bad choice of car. Apparently I'm a threat to the environment and a selfish person! And apparently I don't even drive my 4x4 off-road (even though I do!).

Pretty tiresome, and I binned it. Wonder if anyone else has attracted this sort of thing ... or worse?

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I saw a group yonks ago handing them out

I asked them for one for - the 90 V8 :blink:

They asked why ?

I said I should have one as at 10 MPG I was helping them by using fossil fuels

at such an alarming rate something else would have to be invented and fast and that

I was proud of my efforts, - and hence wanted a "Crimial" Sticker to show my support

It went quite quiet for a considerable time, then I was asked after about 1 min if I was "taking the ****"

to which I said that they were "to sharp for me" and "yes I was", but "i would still like a sticker" :lol:

It degenerated downwards from there really ......



Got a sticker tho - and had it on the 90 for ages before it fell apart :lol:

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