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110 rear floor replacement

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Many thanks for the replies.

Seems lika a big job to replace it. Ive recently had the body of my 110 lifted off during a chassis swap. Shame I didnt think about this sooner.

So is it a major job to replace it?

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Not had a good enough look under mine to be 100% certain, but you may be able to remove both doors, unbolt the frame from the roof and chassis, and lift away from under the vehicle. You can do it with a 90 sill (which is just the front bit of those ones basically).

If I were to buy new ones or repair old, I'd be looking at galvanising them!

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Should be able to remove easily. Both doors off, roof bolts undone, then drill rivets from the side of the tub and undo two bolts next to the second row door diagonal bit. Then two bolts by the bulkhead and they will wiggle free.

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Id love to remove, repair and galv them but if I encounter problems then I will be stuck. My 110 is my main (and only) vehicle which I need for work each day, so unfortunately I dont have time on my side.

I guess the roof would need to come off, and I dont really have the space to store a partially dismantled 110 in a secure manner.

Might have to get the spray shop to do a repair when the time comes.

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wow wow and thrice, wow.

I'v got this on my 110 csw and THINK it's a rivit on seal

there I'v said it, I might be wrong but I might be right

Its in one piece as can be seen in the previous picture. However it does rivit on to part of the rear body.

Might be best to buy a seconhand one, get it in a good state, and then swap over in one day.

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