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Christian Autos, Bristol

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It's rare that outstanding service gets merit, but where it's due...

I need a drop-arm ball joint kit but can't get to the shop before Pete shuts. "No problem," says Pete, "I know you're good for the money so I'll leave it in the paper shop three doors down, you can collect from them any time until 6pm".

Continued custom justifies this level of service. This level of service means he gets my continued custom; I don't even check prices elsewhere any more.

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It's rare that outstanding service gets merit, but where it's due...

I need a drop-arm ball joint kit but can't get to the shop before Pete shuts. "No problem," says Pete, "I know you're good for the money so I'll leave it in the paper shop three doors down, you can collect from them any time until 6pm".

Continued custom justifies this level of service. This level of service means he gets my continued custom; I don't even check prices elsewhere any more.

I agree wholeheartedly. If you're in the Bristol area and need Land Rover parts, Pete is definately THE man! :) Nothing but the most excellent and friendly service, and it works both ways. I came across his parts van broken down on Tog Hill a while back. Towed his delivery driver and van back to the shop, next time I needed parts, they were on the house!

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Nothing but the most excellent and friendly service


I am much closer to MM4x4, but their attitude is absolutely awful. I always feel that they would much rather the customers just sod off and let them get on with the job of running a shop properly. They are quite large and well known though, so it can't matter to most people (either that, or their constant advertising has done them well)

Pete on the other hand is further away, but I only buy parts from him now. Helpful, friendly service at a good price. What more can one say?

(I have nothing to do with this company, other than being a satisfied customer, btw. All credit is definately deserved)

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  • 2 years later...

I will not ever have a bad word said in my presence about Pete Davis From Christian Autos ,the Guy is a saint and seems to have an excellent tal

ent on getting the parts right first time , In stock and the knowledge of every part you need for the described job in hand .

I use Christian Autos for the work trucks and my own vehicles and fair play to him he gives me a better deal on my own stuff ,

And for a modest shop front he holds a better stock than Hunters (Main Stealer) Its Deffo an Aladins cave and Santas grotto rolled into one .

And he delivers FOC .

And even If your just passing he will always welcome his customers in for a social chat , But be aware he is a very busy chap .

And Im sure he wouldnt mind telling you all that he is shut for a week from the 16th Aug ,So get in there before if you need summat .


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He's quite happy to post parts out, I've used him when I lived in Brighton and Northampton, and when I lived in LondonI ordered some wheel bearing bits by mail order - he was going to see his family in London anyway so he delivered them into my hand outside a pub in Hammersmith. As I said above (some time ago!) I don't look anywwhere else.

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It is nice when you get good service! It would be nice if there was a good independent LR specialist or friendly main dealer around these parts! I stopped using the local main dealer as they are unhelpful to the point of being downright rude and also they are very expensive :angry2:

An independent authorised service centre and supplier of part opened just down the road from work a couple of years ago and I used them to buy a few minor items only as their prices were more or less the same as the main stealer.

So anyway, the other day I gave my Defender a quick once over prior to going away for the Bank Holiday in order to give me time to sort out any problems. I found the serpentine belt had a chunk missing out of it and looked rather the worse for wear. I rang the independent place and they took the details and promised to phone me back with the price and availability. Needless to say they did not ring back as promised and after 24 hours had elapsed I called them back and they still didn't know the stock position or price and again promised to ring me back in a few minutes. They finally got back to me an hour later, by which time I had already ordered a couple off the net! The earliest they would have one in would be Tuesday which is more or less on a par with ordering over the net! <_<


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Any of you Bristol boys know Mike Pearce in Redfield? He has a Victorian house stacked cellar to attic with Series parts.

Yes I have heard of him and his huge array of stock ,But I have never had the pleasure of a visit ,Tiz always been Christian Autos for me .

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  • 2 years later...

Had the pleasure of stumbling across Christian autos today. Needed a new exhaust, first job on my first land rover. Pete gave me an awesome price, rounded down the total. Had a bracket I was convinced would be a main dealer only part. After paying I realised I hadn't got some bolts I needed and as I didn't have the cash on me, Pete told me not to worry we could sort it out if I went back again. I will definitely go back again and recommend them to everyone I can. Incredible good service and knowledge. Very very impressed.

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Had the pleasure of stumbling across Christian autos today. Needed a new exhaust, first job on my first land rover. Pete gave me an awesome price, rounded down the total. Had a bracket I was convinced would be a main dealer only part. After paying I realised I hadn't got some bolts I needed and as I didn't have the cash on me, Pete told me not to worry we could sort it out if I went back again. I will definitely go back again and recommend them to everyone I can. Incredible good service and knowledge. Very very impressed.

Yes Pete is top man, just ignore the fact he supports Leeds Utd. Given me excellent service for years. :D

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