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Overland & 4x4 Travel Show


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Well what did we think then ??

I dragged myself up there suffering from man flu :( But was really happy overall :) Firstly a sensible price to get in, Proper car parking, A good range of suppliers there, and was very taken by some of the overland trailers for sure, I would go back again next year, Met a few peeps whilst there also

Well done to the event organisers i say

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Well what did we think then ??

I dragged myself up there suffering from man flu :( But was really happy overall :) Firstly a sensible price to get in, Proper car parking, A good range of suppliers there, and was very taken by some of the overland trailers for sure, I would go back again next year, Met a few peeps whilst there also

Well done to the event organisers i say

I would agree - a great venue, really nice atmosphere in the hall, plenty of nice chatty people on the stands and some quality kit to buy. I stayed here longer than any "off road" show I've been to in the last few years and came away with some good contacts and ideas for holidays for the next year or so. £5 entry and good food too!


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I enjoyed it myself and came away with £300 worth of bits. Only thing missing was a better value wading kit than the Mantec +£90 version. I stayed longer than i should have as i also got chatting to a few people. Managed to finally meet Brendan (Leeds) even if it was only for two minutes.

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Well I am sorry but I am going to be the first to post negative comments! I went looking for ideas for my trailer build and to be honest other than Mud who's trailers are not what i am after there wasn@t many to see Myway had a tiny stand and the Trek overland stand wasn't much cop.

The venue was good to get to and nicely laid out however, and its the same old thing of all Land rover shows why after only 20 mins of the show being open the toilets were in a disgusting state! I am beginging to think either all LR owners are animals and not used to proper facillities or show organisers lower the standard of facillities to treat us like second rate citizens! there were no hand towels to dry hands I went to use a cubicle I won't tell you what state it was in but it was enough to make me feel very ill!

On the plus side the cost to get in was very reasonable.

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Well I went along with my mate and our 7 year old sons. Thoroughly enjoyable and spent a lot of time talking to the tour companies about a trip to Morocco. Stayed for about 4 hours and went around twice. Well laid out, friendly and on the money to get in - and to the trader shark who wouldn't knock £1.50 off a £6.50 Chinese made scratched toy Land Rover for my 3 year old (after we'd spent £20 on his stall)...I hope someone nicked it later on. Grumpy git. We found no problem with the toilets - clean and plenty of hand towels etc so looks like the organisers kept on top of the cleaning.Oh and a excellent cafe - great food.

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As Orgaoniser of the show all the above comments are very interesting and useful to consider when organising next year's event....

I am very pleased to see that the general overview is one of satisfaction. I think this was evident on the day by the lovely, friendly atmosphere in the building.

The food in the restairant was far better than any other exhibition centre I have been to and speaking to people there I think the food will actually become part of the visitors pland- looking over the show from the balcony whilst having a meal with friends or family - again adding to the atmosphere.

The comments about the toilets has left me a little puzzled! I have actually received emails from trade and public alike saying how nice it was to use a venue with proper facilities!! Perhaps having the cleaner on duty all day meant that any mess was cleaned quickly and so did not affect too many people.

The cleaners reported nothing out of the ordinary on the day so perhaps the above incident was no more than at any other gathering of public and not unique to LR owners! Fortunately as I have said the cleaner was on standby all da\y and I think ( unless reports prove me wrong ) kept the facilities in a good state for use all day.

The quality of individual products and there application to an individuals needs is always going to be one of opinion.. there were 4 makes of trailer in the hall. There was alos ( at least ) 2 different breather kits at different specs and prices on display ( Mantec and Gwyn Lewis )

The effort put in by some exhibitors will always be limited by their choices, Some stands were simply superb in their layout and effort and some were rushed efforts without too much commitment. I think you will see ( as I did with the previous show I organised ) that now the Show has been widely accepted as a success the 'don't want to risk too much' traders will come with more effort and vigour to the next one.

Just a footnote now to say a big thankyou to all the trade and public who supported me in this event and hope you will all enjoy coming to next years show!!!

Many thanks to you all


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As a trader who was there I think it was a successful show.

The toilets were spotless when I went to use them, was pleasantly surprised when I went into them at first especially when you consider facilities at other venues.

Food was good and the cook asked us what time we wanted breakfast from. Breakfast was available from 8am and I got the impression that if we said an earlier time that would have been arranged. Only problem there was I don't like my tea in a polystrene cup but that is a minor grumble

On minor grumbles better signage outside on roadside would have been better. I think David has taken that on board for next year.

Yes we were extremely busy at times and it would have been easier on us if they had come at a more even rate, but that is shows for you. This makes talking to all people who come onto our stand difficult.

So good luck to David for future shows. We have told him we will be there next year


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Everyone I've spoken to has been very positive about the venue and the show. I'm sorry I was away on holiday!

I've booked a stand for next year though! Just have to think up some more Overland specific products other than the unlockable anti-roll bar!


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