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Drill sharpening


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I bought one of these:


Seem to be getting okish results with it, but i cant quite get tip of the drill looking symetrical as a new drill looks. Does anyone else have one of these and have any tips? I'm worrid that i got the lip rest too close to the wheel and have damaged it (only very slightly), but will this affect how the drill sits and is ground?

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The tool looks quite a clever way of getting the angles right - but as you say, does little to make the drill symmetrical.

The only option is on each flank, count the number of times you run it over the grinding wheel, trying to get the same pressure & duration. Then make sure each flank gets the same number of passes.

This is all I do when I'm manually sharpening drills and it seems to get it pretty accurate.


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Yeah, about the best you can do is practice.

I never got very good at it before switching to a Drill Doctor (mostly because it could do split-points). They also take a bit of practice, but I found it easier to get even pressure and duration with their pivot system.


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Ive got a donkey years old Picador one and when i last used it the results were very good. But the ones sold now i believe have an issue that makes the results poor. I will check on the model engineering forum as im sure it was covered on there with pictures that showed the manufacturing error.

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If you cant sharpen a drill by hand using a scribing jig to check even grinding you shouldnt be using drill bits :rolleyes:

.....As was drummed into us as apprentices

Oh! That's a bummer! I cant do it with a jig - even though I can without one. Maybe I should stick to milling interpolated holes?


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i was once told by an old engineer to use two nuts welded together along the flats (it dousent mater weather they are m8 or m30) but the angle between the two are the perfect angles for a drill i have a m24 one in my box and use it every time i need to sharpen drill

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i was once told by an old engineer to use two nuts welded together along the flats (it dousent mater weather they are m8 or m30) but the angle between the two are the perfect angles for a drill i have a m24 one in my box and use it every time i need to sharpen drill

That's spot-on!

Sadly, I have the sense not to try and manually mill interpolated holes - it's much easier to select "circular pocket" then the diameter and depth and go off and put the kettle on while the mill figures it out :) I have tried in the past but even with a set of tables for how much to turn each handle - it still looked rubbish!


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