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What on earth is this doing here?

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Can anyone tell me why there is a hole in my water pump?! it wasn't there when i fitted it last year! and it's now letting water leak out!

After two P gaskets, water pump gaskets, core plug, thermostat gasket and even new rad/thermostat plug, it's this hole where the lek is coming from!

Is it supposed to be there? and if not what on earth has happened? it doesn't look like it was threaded....


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Coolant is passing the seal. The hole is to allow leakage to escape without travelling all the way along the shaft. If it did so, the rotating pulley would, by centrifugal force, throw water in all directions which the fan would then spread over much of the engine bay. Not too much of a problem with a diesel, but petrol engine electrics don't like it.

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I understood the hole was to stop any slight seepage getting as far as the actual bearing and causing it to rust and bugger up. Once the seal goes though water tends to p1$$ out.

Just to follow a trend, what colour box did that one come in? ;)

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So I guess we all just said after your stirling effort of replacing everything apart from the water pump... you now have to replace the water pump :( 12 months is a carp length of time for it to last.... maybe the part is under warranty still? I'm sure I read the blue box brigade had increased their warranty to 2 years....

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I think it was an Allmakes one, it certainly didn't come in a blue box!

So the hole is like a pressure release? it was flowing onto the fanbelt and getting spun around the engine bay, it made it a pain to see where the leak was coming from....

I'll be getting a proper LR one tomorrow...

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I think pressure release is the wrong phrase, drain hole would be better. But whatever you call it, as you've noticed it lets the water out when it gets to where it shouldn't be :)

As I understood it the idea is to preserve the bearing when the seal wears and starts to weep giving you a little time to notice and replace it rather than get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Seems your seal didn't understand the weeping stage existed and went straight for total failure.

Good luck with the repairs

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I'll be getting a proper LR one tomorrow...

quinton hazell or airtex seem to be the makes to go for. I have a quinton hazell one on my 200 and its lasted for about 18 months I think

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