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Dead TD5 - what to do ?

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I've just been informed that the engine in my 110 has a problem greater than just a replacement cylinder head. icon_sad.gif

Apparently there has been a crack in the cylinder head leaking coolant and this has damaged the top of the lower part of the engine. I've been told that they can remove the corrosion from the lower block, weld some metal onto it and then skim it. Doing this would not be a guaranteed fix. Cost €3000+

The other option was to fit a Land Rover re-manufactured engine. Cost €6000.

What other options do I have, and what are the risks and costs ?

I guess I can get a 2nd hand engine from somewhere, but without any sort of guarantee of it being OK, and I could end up back to square one within a year or two.

Are Turners engines as good as/better than a LR replacement ? Is there another company offering reconditioned engines/2nd hand engines ?

Basically, I could do with some sage advice from people who have been in the not overly nice position I am in now, as to where I can go from here, and how much it's going to hurt.

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I've been told that they can remove the corrosion from the lower block, weld some metal onto it and then skim it. Doing this would not be a guaranteed fix. Cost €3000+

You joking, right? Weld up the cast iron block? I think this statement answers it...

Doing this would not be a guaranteed fix.

My brother had a Turner 2286 for a while, it was a superb engine, just shows what they were capable of new. I believe there are other engine re-manufacturers out there, I think Wards in Rugby probably would, but I have no experience to offer of them.

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I certainly wouldn't want to trust a 'welded up' crack in a Diesel block - the pressures and stresses are just too high.

OK, perhaps if it was 'metal-stitched' and then sleeves were pressed into the cylinder-bores... but the cost of doing that [you would need to remove the engine from the vehicle and totally strip the block before carrying out the repair, then pressure-testing afterwards before reassembling] would probably be greater than the cost of a replacement engine!

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Tanuki - thanks for that explanation re the welding - I got the feeling that the garage wasn't keen, but were offering me a cheap, if short-term way out of the problem.

The Turner engine looks tempting, but it will be the same price as the LR unit, and has the disadvantage that I can't get it through my garage, and having a single point of contact if things go wrong might save trouble in the long term.

So, I've decided to go for the LR re-manufactured engine. Not cheap, and I really could do with not having to splash that amount of cash, but I love my 110, and couldn't imagine not having it.

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I certainly wouldn't want to trust a 'welded up' crack in a Diesel block - the pressures and stresses are just too high.

From what the OP wrote the block isn't cracked, there was a crack in the head that caused corosion of the mating surface of the block. The welding was to fill the corrosion so they didn't need to take too much off the block to get it to seal again.

Although tbh if the job wasn't done properly the welding could cause the block to crack.

Despite the costs sounding high you can start to see where they are coming from if it includes all labour and the replacement head as well. With that sort of money in play of which labour would be a big chunk I would be inclined to go for the remanufactured engine to. If I was fitting it myself I'd go with Jason's suggestion and fit a second hand engine as the gamble isn't so bad with 'free' labour.

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Turners are excellent but I'd get an engine from somebody like Equicar remember if it's a dud they usually offer a limited warranty of 30 days or something so you have time to fit it and test it thoroughly for any issues. I had a couple of Td5s from Equicar in my last job and they were both excellent motors and both still going strong AFAIK.

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I would certainly have a serious think about a Turners re-manufactured engine as I have 200 TDI in my 90 and it's been spot on, It's been in it now for about 3 maybe 4 years and they're really good people to deal with too

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