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steering box?


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But a diff in paris wouldn't be too much good really...


Daan, the diffs are in Winchester, I'm not there, but Moglite has a key to my garage. You're welcome to sort something out with him if he has time.

I'm not convinced yet that the diff isn't a suspect - it has the capability to bias the torque (wrongly) andthat would explain your problem. Though I suspect it'll be steering box / chassis related in the end...


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Do you have a gas steering damper as opposed to an oil one? Gas steering dampers can go wrong, such that gas pressure pushes the steering in one direction rather than remaining in the middle. Oil dampers don't suffer from this problem. All standard LR steering dampers are oil.

Diff/halfshaft problem is a definate possibility.



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Do you have a gas steering damper as opposed to an oil one? Gas steering dampers can go wrong, such that gas pressure pushes the steering in one direction rather than remaining in the middle. Oil dampers don't suffer from this problem. All standard LR steering dampers are oil.

Diff/halfshaft problem is a definate possibility.



damper standard lr.

Got a load more ideas to pursue now, thanks guys.


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Daan, the diffs are in Winchester, I'm not there, but Moglite has a key to my garage. You're welcome to sort something out with him if he has time.

I'm not convinced yet that the diff isn't a suspect - it has the capability to bias the torque (wrongly) andthat would explain your problem. Though I suspect it'll be steering box / chassis related in the end...


A freinds motor with I believe a Detroit Locker and V8 nearly wrote off parked cars when booted!

Very interesting handling!

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Sounds like you've checked all the obvious, I think you may have a problem with your truetrac.

Regarding your steering box, I have a LHD 4-bolt PAS box its an Adwest remanufactured box, new. You are welcome to try it if you want to rule your box out.


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I would have thought the chances of the steering box giving the problem were fairly remote ……….. I just get the feeling that Daan may of the same opinion.

Yes, gas steering dampers play havoc ……. Coz the strut wants to open all the time and IIRC it pushes you to the right ……….. I binned mine and went back to oil.

Have skim read the posts …………… but see no mention of checking the swivels for looseness / tightness/ preload ……….. and also what about the CV’s ?

Other strong thoughts are the rear lower link bushes and the A frame support bushes ….. although these generally are more pronounced when braking. Maybe your rear axle is pi$$ed giving the effect of rear steering ………..

I know you are a smart cookie Daan so sorry if I’m telling granny how to suck eggs. :)


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. Maybe your rear axle is pi$$ed giving the effect of rear steering ………..

I know you are a smart cookie Daan so sorry if I’m telling granny how to suck eggs. :)


The rear axle pi$$ed is what I thought initially, but I kind of ruled that one out with changing the length of the rear suspension arms.

About your last comment: thanks for that, but feel free to throw any suggestion at me, cause I am running out of suggestions myself...

Last night I removed the fan belt in an attempt to stop the hydraulics working (yes I know it stops a few other systems working too). I drove it to the end of the street and it still goes left at a will of its own. So I kind of ruled out the pas box.

I then removed the rear shafts, it still votes left. It than was time to go to bed.

So now I think there is something wrong at the front end of the vehicle. The truetrac could be at fault, but The more I think about it, the more the swivel pre load becomes a possibility.

Jez, I might take your suggestion serious to come and have a look at your workshop with tools on saturday afternoon(?).


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Presumably this has only happened since the big back flip down the hill? If not, disregard this post.

I note that you said you checked the wheelbase was the same each side in your first post, but have you checked any of the other alighments regarding the chassis?



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The back flip didn't contribute I dont think. The problem already existed before, but I feel it is now more than it used to be- a lot more.

With my current workshop outfit, my tapemeasure is the most scientific thing around, so the alignment check is kind of limited. I have eyeballed the alignment of the wheels- basically make sure if the rear wheels are in line with the fronts. I realize that this is not scientific but while I played with my wheelbase this would certainly directed me to the problem.

Jez, I will send you a pm, thanks.


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I have had this before and it is mighty unusual ………………… change the front tyres left to right etc and see if the problem moves with it ………….. or better still, change the tyres diagonally front to rear ………….. its a long shot but worth a try ………… IIRC it can be caused by some of the tyre radial belts giving way, but not enough to bulge.

Ifs it’s the front then you are pretty much left with tyres, swivels (but the left swivel would need to be realty shagged) or maybe a tight CV/wheel bearing. The other option maybe wear in the panhard rod bolt at the axle end …………. not unknown.


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