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I have no brakes even tho i have bled them a thousand times!! I have been told that because i have a disco rear dif with discs, that the original master cylinder and servo is not gonna do the trick.

Is this the case?

Because i have tried everything, i have bought a TD5 master servo off EBay. Will this just bolt on with just a few changes to the brake lines?

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Are there any bleed nipples on the system that were hard to free off. done a disco the other day that the owner had tried to bleed his own brakes and got nothing. took me a while to find that the o/s rear bleed nipple was not sealing correctly so evey time i pumped the pedal it was just sucking air through the faulty nipple. just a thought.

Ps required a new caliper to fix the problem.

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Do you by any chance have any wheel bearings out of adjustment?-the way to find this out is to drive it a little way and pump the brakes until you get a firm pedal-obviously off the road when you drive the vehicle.

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Wheel bearing is a good thing to check.

With the vehicle stationary everything will be fine, once you start driving the play in the bearing will allow the disc to move side to side pushing the pads back further meaning when you brake again they have further to go and hence more travel on the pedal.

Normally if it is bad enough to cause the type of symptoms you describe it will noticable as vibration driving as well but just in case jack each wheel and check for play, not a bad thing to do anyway.

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Funny you should mention that bacause i am getting a vibartion through the steering wheel too!! I have a post going at the moment. http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=73940&hl=&fromsearch=1

I will check it out however i have checked the front wheel bearings last wk and although the near side had a slight notch when moved top and bottom, the far side had nothing. And it passed MOT the other wk!!

Thanx guys. Much appriciated. I may fix two problems in one.

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