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Help!!! input shaft bearing R380

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For that sort of bearing I would remove the roller cage with a chisel and use this puller;


And run long threaded rods to the end of the shaft and a plate with two holes in it :)

But putting it back on would be more of a worry for me. If you can drop it on hot all will be well, but I would be cautious of hammering it on, incase you damage the input-output shaft thrust bearing (If it is a needle bearing).

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You can remove the front half of the case and (with a bit of easing) lift the input shaft off the front of the mainshaft. Best stand the box nose up to do this.

As others have noted though, if this bearing is shot, I'd be inspecting / replacing the rest or consider a full reconditioning of the box. The job isn't difficult if you follow the instructions in the mauals linked by Western.

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Gracias compadre, pero es que esas herramientas son demasiado costosas, me toca mandarlo a un especialista, pero yo trabajo con el carro y ya va para dos meses que no produzco un centavo. Tomé la decisión de armar como está y pedir el kit para reparar, cuando llegue (en un par de meses) bajo la caja nuevamente.

I have no money at this moment, I have just decided to put everything together as it is right now and wait for a recon or a repair kit (I work with my car and now there have been two months with no a dime on me). I only hope it holds...... wish me luck. Thanks everybody for your help

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