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Seat risers: just don't cut the mustard...


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Hi All,

Okay, I'm 6'10. (Hence the Big...)

I find the seat risers seat me just too high.

I want to set the seat back, but not with the height...

I was thinking of modifying the seat runners and cutting away the seat box. Has anyone tried this:


-OR- Does anyone know where I can get a thinner seat base?



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I have the same issue - except I'm 3" shorter than you!

My current 110 is fine as it has no mid bulkhead and the seat goes back just far enough.

On previous vehicles with a bulkhead I just cut a slot in the lip between the bulkhead and seat box for each runner then used a pair of Riv-Nuts in holes 30mm or so further back from the originals.

If you want to borrow my Riv-Nut tool and I'll give you some Riv-Nuts - you'd be welcome since you're local!


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If you want to borrow my Riv-Nut tool and I'll give you some Riv-Nuts - you'd be welcome since you're local!


Cheers Si, I'll take you up on that...

I'll let you know when I'm around, it might be a good time to buy some of those X-Eng goodies i've had my eye on ;)

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