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Introductions & improving TD5 oomph

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Hello, all, from Nairobi. I am American recently relocated to Kenya where I bought, sight unseen, a big black 2005 Defender TD5 that my wife and kids promptly christened, "The Tank." I have been suprised by the Defender's lack of low-end torque and power, especially noticeable in rough and hilly Nairobi. More than once I have been embarrassed when forced to stop on a steep hill.

Partly, I know, it's a question of driving technique--I am learning to downshift at the drop of a hat and generally thrash the engine to keep the revs up. But I would like to see what I can do to get a little more "oomph" at low RPM.

I would be interested in suggestions for upgrades--ECU, intercooler, etc.--especially those proven in fairly demanding, high-altitude settings like Kenya. So far, I have found South African firm Dastek that makes a Power Plug and Power Cooler for Defender TD5 and I'd welcome feedback about the company or the products. I have found just a few references to Dastek and Terrafirma products and would love to hear some first-hand experience.

Thanks and regards,


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A remap is preferable to a plug in box.

And on the remap vs. the plug in box, I don't doubt that you're right, but I am not sure that I will be able to find a shop here in Kenya able to handle that. So far, the best garage I have found is capable but poorly-equipped. The advantage of a plug-in unit is that it's a known quantity and, if truly a simple job, I can do it myself.

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Unplug the MAF, it's next to the air filter in the hose to the turbo. If it suddenly goes better you have a duff MAF, only fit a genuine replacement.

You are better off with a remap, most of the boxes just fool the injectors in to dumping more fuel in and can make for a poorer driving experience. There is a way of loading a remap yourself using a Nanocom or Hawkeye, some of the remap companies will email you a new map after you send them your existing one. Not as good as them having the vehicle in the workshop but could be the better option for you. You'd also find yourself better equipped than the local mechanic and be able to diagnose your own problems with inexpensive diagnostic kit.

Also have a punt on the African Land Rover forums, you could find someone near enough.

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There are a few reasons a TD5 can be down on power, MAF, a MAF fails over time so is not something you notice another one also the fuel pressure regulator, if this is leaking then the power loss can be stunning (once you have fixed it).

As above, given you location I would recommend that you get a Hawkeye or Nanocom it will give you a clue to thing when they go wrong and save you a great deal of time and money.

As for plug in boxes, they are not as good as a remap, the prices of remaps have come down and are often 1/2 the price of a plug in box, speak to one of the remap specialists in the UK (IRB Developments, Bell Auto Systems, Allive Tuning) they are a friendly bunch and will give you all the support you need to do the remap yourself, it's just loading a file.


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I would contact Gary at Alive tuning. They have 2 options that would work for you. One option is you send them your ECU an they send it back mapped to your requirements, the other option is they now sell a system that allows you to download your own maps (they pre load them onto the system before they send it out) this box of tricks will also act as a fault code reader .

My td5 has a larger intercooler and Gary mapped it. It's now much better to drive. I used it to tow with the other week (850kg trailer and fully loaded landrover )and it was happy to keep pulling in 5th up some really big hills @ 60 mph no problem and did not once drop any speed going up them.

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