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Calling anyone with a station wagon Puma, or Access to one!

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A friend at work is putting Puma rear seats into his Td5 90. He has the seats already and all the bracketry to fit them. However, the Pumas with the folding, forward-facing, seats in the rear have a slightly different shape to them. Some of this he has worked out from the seats them selves but the rest of it... well thats where the Lr4x4 community comes in!

Could someone measure the wheelboxes and throw a sketch together?

Once he has the info he can finish making the drawings and get it all fitted. Once its all fitted he said I'm free to have all the info to put up on here, all the parts lists of what is needed and the drawings to make the parts to modify the wheel boxes :) (Mods, maybe good for the tech archive when I have it?)

Thanks in advance everyone :)

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Thanks Ralph, we know the shape is different, its that different shape he is making and needs dimensions for. He has everything else needed after much tracking down.

The idea being once its fitted and known good he would give me the complete parts list and drawings for the wheel box adaptions to post here :).

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Got my wheel box modification via eBay from a guy recommended by a couple of other people that have done the same. Seller ID is measures2931.

Really happy with them - he's put a lot of thought into it with double skinned sections where appropriate etc. and we're really easy to fit. I'd considered fabricating my own, but these were ideal.



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