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What The Heck Is Going On?


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I don't care where it is or what it's called. I just want to talk about Land Rovres with both the people I have come to consider friends and potential new ones!

Sorry, getting bored with the politics, and the members getting irate... I have checked neither forum with the regularity that I used to, and am in danger of not bothering at all.

as I said I just want to be where everyone else is...


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What about calling this "The Other Forum" - like Glastonbury has "The Other Stage" - because that's what it always got called anyway! :lol:

As for what's goin on, who's doing what, where, with who, and the price of fish - can someone draw me a diagram please?


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I must admit I am confused as well. Personally I would rather stay here than return to the former LRE site now known as LRA. I do not like what has happened with the old LRE site. Geoff did a great job in setting this site up and it all went well until LRE emerged from the ashes.

Trev did a good job in resurecting the old LRE forum but he should have left it buried. Fine, salvage what you can but leave the rest in peace. I do not like what Trev has done in renaming the old forum to LRA. We now have the Admin team doing things in secret behind our backs (remeber it's supposed to be OUR forum). They can't tell us what's happening (just be patient and all will be revealed). Well sorry but B**LL*CKS. If something is going on then we the members have the RIGHT to know about it. I did offer to donate something to help support THIS forum NOT THE OLD LRE forum.

Sorry rant over.


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I think we have to be honest about what we mean by 'our' forum....it's 'ours' in the sense that we post, we identify with it, we say good things, we join up, we stay......but ultimately it 'belongs' to the people who invested their time [and presumably IT and other resources] to set the thing up and to administrate it [lets just call these 'the mods'].

It survives by the quality of the discussions and advice, and by the careful management by the mods. Thats all. It's not like promoting a brand of soap powder at Tescos.

Les and Geoff worked their socks off to get an alternative site going when Green announced he was pulling the plug - impossible deadlines, yet a great product emerged.

Bigfoot appears to have owned the LRA urls before LRA was set up; he also appears to have worked very hard to keep open what was until very recently a respected and very well supported forum, LRE [and, indeed, is probably still very well respected etc by the majority of its readers/members].

If you'd polled LRE subscribers a few weeks ago over LRE's future, the vast majority would have said 'continue as we are'. I don't recall any dissent at all in the various LRE posts until very recently when Green stirred things up.

Now those of us who care about LRE/LRA/LRAF - and we are more than a few - are caught up in a whirlwind....and, bluntly, it's doing a lot of damage in the short term. Why are most of us siding with only one group of mods or the other?

They're all trying to give us a great environment where we can talk about our common issues. ****, that's pretty important. I bet all of us respect Les, Trev, Geoff et al - hell, the best you can get from managing a forum is grief!! - and I bet we would all like to see them working together again, as they used to so productively.

However, I am getting a tad annoyed over people taking sides over forum or the other - they're both good and people are posting sensibly on both on Land Rover issues. So they could both survive.

Personally - and I bet I'm in the vast majority - I would rather see one forum.

My preference - and again I bet most subscribers would support this - would be for the re-named [and hopefully rejuvinated/updated] former LRE site to win out, simply because it has the archives as well as the most subscribers. This would require most of the old team to start to pull together again and work on a more leading edge IT environment. LRA has shown the way in this and I am sure that migration could be relatively painless and quick.

Getting people back together might be harder - we all know how difficult it is to climb down or rebuild bridges, but that is what good leadership is about.

That's what we want from our Forum.

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I think that sums up my position as well. Wish I could of put it that clearly :(


It is also ours by the fact we have been asked to and are willing to contribute to its upkeep.

I think we all would of prefered not to have moved in the first place. Now we have lets let sleeping dogs (old LRE) lie and get on with forum life here. While Trev is doing a stirling job in ressurecting the sight he is appears to be doing it in a dictorial manner.

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I can't read Trevor's position that well. My guess is that he and Les are thoroughly wound up by the way things have turned out. I feel for Les in particular as he has enough on his plate at the present. [Geoff, as ever, you are taking a commendably calm view!]

I don't think we have been asked for money yet, but like you, I have already volunteered cash for either site. It would be simplest if revenue came thru sales of Tshirts etc - the last thing we need is to have a formal shared ownership, cos all that would lead to is more squabbles over who controls direction etc.


PS Geoff - bit worrying when an Administrator can't sort out his own avatar!!!

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PS Geoff - bit worrying when an Administrator can't sort out his own avatar!!!


Got more important things to do right now.

The avatar was on my old site, which is now closed down - I just need to upload everything to the new site (same domain, just on the same web space as this forum) to get most of it back up and running, but...

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