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Madness Strikes Again!!!


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Well I have done it again. My old P38 is beig broken in the driveway, my CSK is parked up needing a new body shell and my Disco is in the garage getting a new chassis fitted and due back this week hopefully.I am driving around in a loan car from the garage. Today I have bought another P38 with a knackered block :hysterical: just to keep me amused. One day I will learn that Land Rovers are useless and I should get a car that actually goes :rtfm: but hey in for a penny in for a pound.

My theory is that once the Disco is back and the P38 is running I will have a spare car when one or other is sick. Hopefully save me a fortune hiring cars :hysterical:

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The formula for the number of Landrovers that should be owned is;

n+1 where n is the number currently owned.

surely that formula of N+1 refers to the number of unroadworthy/under repair Landrovers?

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That also. Or the number of bikes, or amount of garage space needed etc, etc

Yeah but I've got a big garden...... Sort of got an idea into my head that a 3 door Range Rover would make a good project, mind you rumour has it that locally there is a Stalwart that may, just may, be looking for a new home sometime soon. Now how the hell would I sneak that by the wife....

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That also. Or the number of bikes, or amount of garage space needed etc, etc

It cannot equate to garage space. I have a garage capable of 3 Range Rovers and there is not one in it because it is unfinished :hysterical:

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Lol :) Good man ;) You don't have to be crazy to own a Land Rover but it helps :P

Nope you have got to be absolutely stark raving bonkers/out of your tree and in dire need of professional help to own more than one Landrover product...

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Yeah but I've got a big garden...... Sort of got an idea into my head that a 3 door Range Rover would make a good project, mind you rumour has it that locally there is a Stalwart that may, just may, be looking for a new home sometime soon. Now how the hell would I sneak that by the wife....

My solution was divorce. She chose it and I am enjoying it very much. :hysterical: Even trading in a 1959 model for an 1980 model :hysterical:

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you lucky lucky.........

Born lucky............whenever anything goes bad I always come out of it better than I went in!! and I mean always :i-m_so_happy: I just wish I knew how so I could bottle it and sell it :hysterical:

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I've also got a decent sized piece of ground (I'm sure the word "garden" has some definition that mine doesn't conform with!).

My technique is to randomly park the "projects in waiting" behind bushes or piles of logs so that there is no one position where SWMBO can stand and actually see them all at the same. She can only ever see three...

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My projects end up at my parents house currently as I just don't have room at mine! The GF and myself are looking for a new house, she's already looking at places in the countryside with large garages and plenty of land.

Parked up at my parents I have the MGB GT V8 I'm building and the '81 In Vogue waiting in the shadows for some attention.

Simon, thought this might be of interest to you;


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Already spotted they also have a complete car. The problem I have is funds had that been around when I spotted the P38 I would have gone for that instead. :angry2: My thought is to buy a complete vehicle from Spain just for the shell because mine is well shot!!

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That is exactly what I should have done with mine although I'm glad I kept the original one even if most of it isn't that original any more!

I had thought about it but there is far too much to do. Both A pillars are totally rotten both cills are gone and the rear frame is shot and that is what I know about. Even if I had the welding skill I think it would take far too long. I am looking for a good shell.

Also after rebuilding my chassis with new parts it was very enjoyable and relaxing just to potter with it and get it right. So I am looking forward to doing the CSK but that is a very long term project.

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