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R380 left outside under cover

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I got a spare R380 over a year ago to replace the noisy one in my 110.

One thing an another got in the way of doing the swap and it's been sat outside under a couple of tarpaulins for over 12 months. Is it likely to have been damaged in any way by being left idle for so long?

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It lives under a truck being sprayed with salty water most of its life, assuming the input shaft is not too rusty then it should be fine.

Drain the oil and check for water of course though...

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As long as the bits that are normally covered when installed in the truck are greased up and covered carefully plus it's "upright" (as if it was installed) it should be fine.

Lets face it, under a tarp is luxury compared to under a Land Rover...



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I appreciate the under the car comments.

I was thinking about the thing being idle for so long and not being washed with oil internally.

It sounds like i'm worrying unduly :)

If the input shaft is rusty do i just sandpaper it off?

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If the input shaft is rusty do i just sandpaper it off?

No! You don't want to add grit anywhere near it. It shouldn't be that bad, just wipe it off with an oily cloth. If it's more than that then you might need a new shaft...

Cars sit on sale forecourts for ages... There shouldn't be any water in the box so it should be okay.

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wire brush

Noooooo! :)

Wire brushes embed small flecks of ferrous metal on things, which then pits the surface on mating faces.

The most I'd use is a plastic scouring brush or a chemical solution.

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Well your going to have bits of rust floating about anyway, so any method you use should be followed with a decent cleaning.

If your worried you could use a brass wire brush?

I suspect even an oily scotchbrite pad would take most of it off.

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