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High Revs when engine warm

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Recently noticed that when the engine (1989 19J) is warm (been driven for a while) when I take foot off the accelerator the revs stay high for a few seconds before dropping off. It seems to be the warmer the engine the longer it takes to idle down. On occasion the revs can even be high when restarting the engine if it is still hot.

I changed the radiator recently due to big leak, but that has made no difference.

Any ideas???


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Remove the rubber hose where it attaches to the turbo (the silver thing on the right hand side of your engine as you look from the front)

With rubber hose removed you can now look into the turbo intake (compressor vanes looks like a fan) if you see oil (black fluid) get your finger in (should of said turn engine off first)

Try to wiggle the fan, if it moves there is apossibility your turbo is on the way out! win!

If not it is the breather pumping oil gas in!

There is a potential bodge, butdo that first.

Will try to find a pic and attach it next

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OK - Checked turbo - oil present, but not 'lots' relative to the oil everywhere else! Difficult to know what amount spells danger. Considering how much there was in the filter when I changed that on purchase, it could have been there a while!

I will check throttle tomorrow AM and apply some oil. It seems a little tight, but again with no reference point it is difficult to know.
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I'm with Western on this, check the throttle cable before panicking! They can fray or rust internally and the return spring may not be strong enough to pull it back when hot. If it's fast idling, open the bonnet and see f you can close it manually on the pump. If so, that's your problem.

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Thanks. I was going to sort it yesterday - but it was peeing it down! I have ordered a couple of the small split pins so when I take the cable out and give it some love (although at £6 I may just buy a new one on spec) I can get it back in OK - the old ones have seen betterdays.

I'll keep you posted

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  • 2 weeks later...


First thing, is it drinking oil?

There will always be a little bit of oil in the intake/turbo, just a fine misting.

You could try disconnecting the engine breather pipe from the air intake ducting (it may go into the air filter box), blank off the hole in the ducting with something that won't get sucked into the turbo, gaffer tape would do as its only temporary, see if it still happens.

if it does, its probably your turbo pumping oil into the engine which is burning it as fuel. Simple fix, change the turbo.

If it doesn't, its probably oil vapour being blown out of the breather and into the intake, result as above. If this is the case you will see it blowing out of the breather pipe. Difficult fix, engine probably knackered.

A simple bodge is to run the breather into a catch tank (plastic bottle cable tied to the wing) and permanently plug up the hole in the intake ducting. It won't fix a knackered engine but it will stop it burning its own oil and running fast.

If neither of the above applies, its probably your injector pump playing up. Don't fiddle with it, take it to someone who knows.


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First thing, is it drinking oil?

There will always be a little bit of oil in the intake/turbo, just a fine misting.

You could try disconnecting the engine breather pipe from the air intake ducting (it may go into the air filter box), blank off the hole in the ducting with something that won't get sucked into the turbo, gaffer tape would do as its only temporary, see if it still happens.

if it does, its probably your turbo pumping oil into the engine which is burning it as fuel. Simple fix, change the turbo.

If it doesn't, its probably oil vapour being blown out of the breather and into the intake, result as above. If this is the case you will see it blowing out of the breather pipe. Difficult fix, engine probably knackered.

A simple bodge is to run the breather into a catch tank (plastic bottle cable tied to the wing) and permanently plug up the hole in the intake ducting. It won't fix a knackered engine but it will stop it burning its own oil and running fast.

If neither of the above applies, its probably your injector pump playing up. Don't fiddle with it, take it to someone who knows.


Cheers Ralph

I don't think it is drinking oil - I have checked the level frequently and haven't had to top it up since I changed it. When I checked the turbo there was a fine misting, nothing more and I am not leaving huge clouds of black behind me.

I am (sincerely) hoping it is just the injector and will take it to 'my man' for a look. Well beyond my ability I suspect


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Or you could stop mucking about and change it for the TDI you were thinking of doing anyway ?


Now there's a thought.

But having priced the galv chassis, the fixed up bulkhead and the new engine (and the labour to do it, as I have neither time, space nor knowledge enough) to make it a worthwhile project (and thats before I try and sort the bodywork!!) I'm not sure that just investing in a late 300/ early TD5 doesn't make more sense.........

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We all take time to do things on our vehicles as I'm sure most if not all of us on here have jobs to pay the bills and also some will have families that need time with them, so unless you're in a massive hurry to get it sorted take your time-yes I think it'd be nice when it all is (I've been doing mine for 7+ years and it's still not done/finished) then do you need to get it done yesterday? yes you could go down the route of that later vehicle and have someone else do the work for you-which will be expensive and may not be up to a standard set by yourself, I certainly wouldn't have any of the satisfaction that I do of driving my 90 that I've built from something that wasn't road worthy and had a rotten chassis etc and have done all the work on it myself, what about using the vehicle you have now-the tech archive and asking questions on here to find out things, I'm sure if you get stuck and theres a forum member near you then they may give you a hand sorting something out on your truck wether it be advice or even helping you do some of the work, is it possible you could put your location on your avatar thing-left hand side of your post, as you may find some close to you to help out in someway?

If you were to go down the route of buying a rotten old disco and taking off it what you'll need to get something usable on your vehicle-engine, rear disk braked axle and possibly transfer box if you want to go down that route-not everyone does! and a multitude of other bits that you may find you get some of your money back, this would save you a fair bit of cash, there are repair panels available for the bulkhead/Seatbox etc(YRM Solutions) that are plenty available,

Or find a garage that'll allow you to buy/supply the bits you need for them to do the job and then all you'll be paying is labour charges and a few consumables along the way


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I take your point on the satisfaction thing - and I have done some smaller bits (water pump/radiator etc) myself and planning to do swivels etc in August. Its just the bigger jobs (chassis etc) need space which I don't have, or skills (welding) that I'm not sure I want to explore.

I like the idea about using local garage - my local bloke is a good egg and may well be up for what you suggest, so I will have a chat and see what can be done.

(BTW is somewhere nice and hot landlocked, dusty, dangerous and for 6 months at a time?)

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