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Defender 90 steering column

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Dear all,

I posted this in the modified section because of the potential engineers looking in.
I’m trying to think of a way to de-clutter and make more room for myself and the defender driver as a whole.
There appears to be a large amount of space behind the steering wheel.
Even if you change your steering wheel for a smaller one you end up with a stupidly deep boss and your hands still up under your chin.
It would appear that somewhere between 2 - 4 inches of extra space could be gained and more if it were possible to make a shallower boss.
This is what I was thinking of.
1. Is the steering lock required. Is it a legal necessity, in other words can it be removed?
2. Re-locate the ignition barrel similar to the Saab maybe in front of the cubby box or in the centre dash panel.
3. Use a started button similar to the Honda S2000 and found on some of the more exotic sports cars etc.
Obviously the switch gear would need to be kept indicator, lights & wiper. A bracket could be fabricated to hold these to the modified column.
4. Could a section of column be removed successfully about 2 - 4 inches.
For the engineering minded among you would this shortening method be viable.
1. Remove inner column from outer.
2. Remove the desired amount.
3. Section/step the joint and weld using the strongest type of welding process.
4. Pin and weld again over the pins for maximum strength using the strongest type of welding process..
5. Add a sleeve over the joint with enough either side to add strength again using the strongest type of welding process.
6. Re-assemble inner and outer column making sure there is smooth rotation without any snagging.
Obviously the outer column upper mounting arm would need to be retained.
5. Shorten with the correct angle at the dash end (if that makes sense) the steering column shrouds.
It sounds like a load of work for little gain but I think it might work. Problem is mocking up and trying it out first without destroying standard kit..
I have looked a various parts catalogues…there appears to be a problem…and biggest stumbling block is removing the inner column from the outer. Clearly there are bushes top and bottom. These don’t appear to be available for renewal/service part.
If this were possible it would give a better driving position, the steering wheel would be further away/closer to the dash (you would need to make sure you were satisfied with the distance away from you) instead of having your hands up under your chin and might have potential for people that compete in off road events.
Has anyone though about this mod before if so were you successful? What happened? More important did it break……..?
If I’m talking carp please tell me but it might be feasible.
Usual replies please.

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I have read that welding of steering components is not allowed, so though your plan is certainly strong enough, it could put you in a difficult legal position in an accident if that information was true. That much said, the inner column on Series vehicles is welded - the shaft and worm gear are spearately made and elded together.

I can't see anyone other than your insurers being interested in the steering lock being removed, and I doubt they'll charge much of a premium change because it's a pretty insignificant security device by modern standards.

Have a look at SIII steering columns - they and their plastic shrouds are much shorter than the Defender type, and it should be plausible to fit the steering lock mechanism and the two main stalk switches, relocating the stumpy light switch elsewhere. You's need to have the Defender bottom end of each shaft and the SIII upper of each. The bulkhead bracket would be a suitable datum point over where to "cut and shut" as it's similar on both models and is in the same place relative to the bulkhead.

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This may not be applicable as I havent had a good look at a Defender but.... with the very long term 88 hybrid project I have I came across a few things with the steering components, I ended up with a mid 80s RR steering column and a manual steering box to start with. First off the RR column is collapsible so if you pull it apart you could cut and weld the outer tube and just tap the column with a hammer to make it smaller. Now when I did mine I left the shaft full length and made a bracket to space it forward off the firewall, this may be a possibility for you, it also seems there are various length universals and shafts that go between the column and the box, the manual box one is shorter than the RR ones with the rubber joint in them so you could loose 50mm here without any cutting or welding

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if it is definately legal or not, but they did weld the steering column on one of the wheeler dealer episodes. Cannot remember which one though unfortunately.

I can't see how it is any worse than welding certain parts of the chassis?


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My Westy has an extension welded to the steering column. It also doesn't have a steering lock or an ignition key. Never raised a comment at MOT's and I think the original builder put it through IVA with the extension fitted.

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