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parking suggestions Portsmouth area


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Slightly odd request, but I'm going to the the D-Day commemorations in June and need somewhere to park my Landrover and trailer safely from Wednesday 4th until Saturday 7th. (We're going over to France on an old Russian motorcycle and sidecar which will have been on the trailer)

I don't mind paying but would prefer it if it was free, however I'm not relishing leaving it in a residential street in case the trailer goes walkies whilst I'm away. I'm really thinking lorry parks or a boatyard or such like.

Any suggestions by someone with local knowledge would be great thanks.


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I moved out of Pompey last year, but I'm struggling to think where I'd park locally.

The area round the ferry port isn't somewhere I'd leave a car I cared about, and a lot (probably most) of the residential streets in the city are under residents parking schemes.

You can buy temporary 'visitor' permits, but PCC make it as difficult as possible to get them and I think they are limited to 24Hrs.

PCC parking wardens go into a bit of a feeding frenzy in the tourist months. Most of the time they are too stupid/stoned/bored to notice a residents permit that's the wrong colour, 2 years out of date and has the wrong number plate on it, but when the sunny days arrive all bets are off. I'd head a few miles out of the city into the suburbs...

This place is a short run up the motorway :- www.portsmouthtruckstop.co.uk

I know nothing about it, other than where it is, but if no better option comes along...

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Suggest you contact HBRO and ask if any member can help you out. Most likely you will have to be happy to drive about 1/2 hour from where it would end up to be somewhere you would want to leave it.

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Book it in for some work or a service at a local garage on the 4th and pick it up on the 7th :ph34r: explain the motorbike is your return transport while they work on it negating the need for a courtesy car. :hysterical:

In reality if you are honest about the reason up front i'm sure they would be glad of the business and will have your landrover/trailer under lock and key overnight? Just a thought

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I would be inclined to leave it parked sensibly and well secured in a nice looking residential area. We did it a few years ago with a 16' Ifor Williams trailer that we took to France. We ended up parked in a busyish road in Coquelles (Calais) for the weekend and all was well.


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