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Ok its a dull old day and I'm stuck indoors so..........

Am I suffering domestic abuse from my partner lol ???

Like us all I LOVE my Land Rover The first thing I do when I wake up is look out the window at it and it the last thing I do at night. I care for her polish her and make sure she is looked after LOL. I'm banned from talking about it when we go out for the last 8 years and get told stop boring people with that dam Land Rover.....and Paul shut up there eyes are glazing over

Could my wife be suffering jealousy of the other woman/love in my life ?

Normally I'm the most un Nagged man on the planet and my Mary never gives me any grief what so ever BUT...

She hates my Defender she calls it ugly, a box on wheels, uncomfortable and a money pit and that I'm obsessive over it......HOW DARE SHE

I do try to argue back about how sexy she looks and what fine sexy lines she has and a nice silky glossy shine to her and how I love her but no she is having none of it she hates it.

Now I will admit I wont let her drive her as she NEVER takes care of her clunking gear changes, not selecting the correct gear and scraping trees......And since I stopped her driving my Landy I no longer have to fit new UJ's in every year ...what a surprise...The one time I've let her drive it in the last 8 odd years she DAMAGED IT

On the way home last night slugging on a bottle of beer in her grotty BMW who's inside looks like a mobile skip I was singing the Landies praises and what's lined up for her on the upgrade front......

AND IT STARTS .......you spent rather a lot of money on that this month ...why do you need blue pipes what's wrong with the pipes on there.....you all ready spent £130 on a Moto Lita steering wheel and now £230 blue pipes Blar Blar Blar Nag Nag Nag ..." what was that dear did you say something coss I can't hear you"

Again as I slurped on me beer I tried to fight back defending my second love I tried to point out how much nicer blue pipes would be and how there guaranteed for life and that yes a I really did need that new steering wheel ...but no ....again I fought back saying how I was making a car for life for our old age when we are living in some remote part of the world (Europe lol) and how all these up grades were of benefit...

Quick change tactics and I went for the why do you spend hundreds of pounds on dam plants for that garden what a waste that is desperately trying to deflect attention from the landy....

Any way after a good sulk and pointing out in fact in 7 years she has spent £9000 on cars and had 7 cars in the time I had the landy ...I think I got the upper hand ..

The woman new she had gone to far there is only so much a man can put up with in a marriage and putting down a mans Defender is just a step to far...So I was treated to more beer and fish and chips...plus some of the other lol..

Not being a man that easy forgives such outrage I'm getting treated to Chinese tonight lol and have spent the day showing her landy upgrades on the computer.

She seamed impressed "yes dear lovely dear" she said I knew she loves it really lol

And she was good enough to buy me a Richards Galvanized chassis and all new suspension for my birthday.

Am I suffering domestic Landy abuse ?....should I file for divorce on the grounds of cruelty ? Do any of you lot suffer Landy abuse from your partners or am I the only one out there ? should we start a help group ?..........Has any one managed to convert there partner and get them addicted as well ??? How is this done ?

Just a laugh guys but yes she was annoyed but all forgiven now

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Aye very good. I'm sure most of us will have been there at some point. My wife no longer asks what I spend, every mans gotta have a hobby and it's less marriage destructive than cheap women and expensive booze...

As for the Mrs being a landy-lover? I bought her a Mitsubishi to replace a Discovery...8 weeks later another Discovery was on order as she hated the damn thing.

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Ha Scots90 would be nice if I could get her to have a Discovery even...Or better a 90 Defender army green so when she damages it just roller paint/brush over it again Perfect for her but unfortunate all she is interested in are these powerful 3 Lt + BMW's or Merc's

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I have the opposite problem. My wife's got a list of things she wants doing on hers, and every month she buys a few parts which I get handed to fit!

It'd be great if we all had this problem!


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