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Green Laning Idiots, A5 North Wales


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Hi All

ive just noticed one of my local farmers having a rant on facebook about 'Bloody Stupid Greenlaners'

Someone was out laning near the A5 yesterday and left a farm gate left jambed open, 50 sheep ended up all on the A5, this could have cost a motorist their life or indeed a poor sheeps life.

just a friendly reminder to say leave all gates as you find them!! or we will end up with angry farms chasing us and a tragidy on our concience



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So many times bikers get killed because farmers dont maintain their perimeter fences, but the farmers are never held to account. A friend of mine was killed many years ago when he rounded a corner to find a cow standing in the middle of the road looking at him. Even though it was found the cow escaped through a broken fence, the farmer tried to make out he died because he was speeding (which it was proved he wasnt)

The 1 time someone accidentally leaves a gate open the farmers are all anti-laners.... Double standards springs to mind.

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a lot of the roadside walls between farms and the road are actually owned and "maintained" by the council. we have to really fight in order to get them to come out and fix the road, however we do always put post and wire fences up if we think one of these walls may become suspect in the near future :)


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a lot of the roadside walls between farms and the road are actually owned and "maintained" by the council...

You are absolutely correct. I know in my friends sad case it was all the farmers perimeter fence but i know where your coming from.

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