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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. I do appreciate all the efforts everyone has gone to make this happen - but I think I'll just up my donation - I'm too fussy about the logo to buy anything. Sorry !
  2. Sorry to hear that - I found a generic set up guide that may be of use to you. I'll try and upload it when I'm home later on.
  3. Great little article here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-33634960
  4. I'm going to look into that - I think for cutting small pieces , for things like my engine mounts, it would be really useful.
  5. I gave £60 for it - which seems quite good based on past eBay sales.
  6. I'm pleased to get it ! Really nice old boy I bought it from with a garage full of 1930's Austins. I've ordered some blades for it and I think it wants servicing and setting up better - but other than that it seems good. Onlythink I'm really unsure of is that I think there should be a plate to fit on for when it's upright - to make up a kind cutting table?
  7. This is the trolley by the way ... Aidapt Height Adjustable Unassembled Strolley Trolley https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003E1D7R0/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_pPKTvbV3X26T1
  8. I picked up the old persons trolley today (along with a new to me Band saw). I've been able to assemble it in a different way to how it should be and its worked out remarkably well. I had to shorten the internal tubes that extend from the wheels and will need to hand drill a couple of holes for the clips to fit on the handles ..... but it fits very well :-) I'll make an underslung shelf somehow to hold the gas and jobs done I think .... It cost me £8
  9. Will that very small text be legible when printed on the various things ?
  10. How does the tooth count thing work on vertical band saws - where you will be cutting at 90 degrees?
  11. Let me ask - are we inventing a permanent forum logo and tag line ? Are these going to be integrated into the websites design ? Or are we doing them for just the clothes ? If it's just for the clothes then surely it's not a fair representation of the forum ?
  12. I called it kitch - but did offer some self deprecation.
  13. At the risk of being a jerk - none of them represent the forum for me. The vehicle drawing doesn't really represent the demographic here. The tag line looks a little kitch to me now - and the globe seems a bit arbitrary ? The mountains are nice but would seem to indicate that we spend a lot of our time in them - when really we spend a lot of our time underneath Land Rovers. The last one I like best - but still feel it would be better without the catch phrase. I don't think it needs to explain to people what it is - and the forum seems to have stayed clear of developing a branded logo. The forum seems to be function over form, community over politics and thus for me a simple and straightforward logo would suit that.
  14. I have some thick polystyrene coasters that work quite well ....
  15. I've thought about the logo thing - and come to the thought that, for me, it doesn't need to be anything more than the LR4x4 text as it appears in our browser. I think we all refer to the site simply as : LR4x4. - and, for me again, the whole thing about the site is that it straight forward and doesn't need or have fancy branding. So I'm not saying don't bother - but a mug with LR4x4 on with the forum blue represented somehow would be fine for me.
  16. Is there much overtaking in that kind of event ?
  17. The full face I was recommended on here actually doesn't feel encumbering at all, where I thought it might. Light and easy to take off and on. Thanks folks.
  18. So what do you guys write on your white boards ? Just a list of the next jobs and leaving some with big ticks to focus and motivate progress ? Some ex office ones are for sale nearby for £10 each and I'm thinking I'll get one.
  19. I bought the flip down mask today !
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