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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Thanks everyone .... I think I might go the hobby weld route and just get BOC to take the old one back. If not now - then the next time there would probably be only coded ones about and it will in effect just be taking up workshop space. Really helpful info here though thank you - Ooo one last question - what kind of flow would you set the Agoshield to ? I was using 10 - 14 lpm at the shroud with CO2
  2. Can I add a 'bottle' question I was going to go for the 'hobby weld' - none rent supplies - but I've been given an old BOC argoshield bottle......is there a change anywhere might fill up the old bottle ?
  3. Oh !! Thank you ! Shows how deceiving pictures can be.
  4. Is that better welds as in cleaner ? Better penetration ? Stronger ? Or is that all just different ways of saying the same thing ?
  5. I'm a learner welder - and have been using a Clarke MIG and CO2. My question is : If I switched to an Argon mix - what would the actual differences ?
  6. That's it. This is all about them giving assurance as to wether the longevity is affected or if it's purely cosmetic . My assumption ? Is that they must believe it is purely cosmetic of they wouldn't still be selling it? Have you (the OP) been back to them, quoting studmuffin, that high silicone content can reduce adhesion and bring about delamination ..... And can they give you assurance that isn't the case ? Their answer will dictate where to go next.
  7. I've just emailed them for a quote - see what they say ...
  8. Is the Td5 airbox the same on the Defender and Discovery 2 ? From photos they look remarkably similar !
  9. Don't worry about digression - it's all helpful. I do wonder about the stainless issue. As a result of having only a partial understanding I can't work out why some people I've known rebuilt with stainless fasteners years ago and have had no sign of galvanic corrosion since ? Is it because of a good seal and an absence of an electrolyte ? Or is it something to do with the cathodic metal being the fastener with the smaller surface area ?
  10. Quite a nice retro look to this Td5 double cab http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=151625484466
  11. Revealing the true depth of my ignorance ... which side of the gasket would you put the sealant - against the frame I presume ?
  12. Would you fit these with gaskets or sealant ? Or both ? I'm not sure which is best to stop water getting into the bolt threads.
  13. Don't say that ! As a blind buffoon I was feeling quite encouraged !
  14. I think, more than which is best, it's about following what your pocket allows and your enthusiasm motivates ?
  15. Perhaps the NZ market has more 24v vehicles built for it that everywhere else ? It would give us different perceptions on the relative costs and merits of which route to take.. ?
  16. Only 'til one ...... Glad you told me !!! I've someone coming round in the morning to bring my welder back and pick up a tilt, so it'll be the next one for me.
  17. Mine is Epsom green - and it looks a little different to that. However - as Ross said that could be my screen or the lighting for your photo .....
  18. I'd like to - but it depends how much I get done on Saturday as to wether I can go. It's about an hour from me - so doable as a half day I would think.
  19. Those have smaller heads - but that link gives the thread size, so I could order some large head ones in that size or just use a washer. Thank you Ralph
  20. It is 15. Hmmm I could use some sort of large headed self tapper - but it would have helped to know what the factory fastener was. Thank you for your help
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