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Long Term Forum Financial Supporter
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Everything posted by bishbosh

  1. My rear ARB is playing silly bu99ers It has developed an intermittent leak. I replumbed the plastic tube and redid the diff connection with a new olive. Sitting on the drive all worked fine - compressor primed fine then shut off, diff lock operated correctly with the compressor topping itself up as necessary after a few on-offs of the diff lock. Take a trip off road (well, Slindon actually ) and the damn thing starts playing up - with the compressor primed and ready to go I switch on the diff and the compressor runs incessantly . A bit later in the day and it all works fine, a bit later on its leaking again It became such a problem that I actually drove all afternoon at Slindon with the rear diff locked for fear of not being able to lock it again! Made for some interesting 57 point turns I can tell you! The leak is obviously between the compressor and the diff and as it is only intermttent I think it is the diff connection and is dependant on the axle position (Although once it was enganged, the compressor didn't kick back in at all, despite using full axle travel.) Can anyone shed any light on this? If the olive is new, what else in the connection can cause this kind of problem?
  2. 15psi eh? I think Bathtub might be along in a mo to soundly mock us all! I think he calls low pressure about 3psi! Still, would be interested to hear how you get on..... I wonder what they're like on greasy side slopes.. I like what you've done to the front of that Rangie. Any more pics?
  3. I was pretty close! The point I was making is that the speed rating is less than the vehicle is capable of so in theory if you had a knock your insurance company could wave you goodbye. At least with the machos you'd have to be breaking the law to exceed the speed rating of the tyre. I have heard comment on the anacondas that they need to be run at very low pressures as the large transverse blocks stop the tyre face flexing over obstructions on firm / rocky ground and so reduces traction. Of course, in their true home - deep mud - they should be excellent! B)
  4. I'm planning on coercing Mr Beast to Biatch for me after I suffered Slindon with him last year!! Not that he knows it yet....... I'll get his signature tonight after a "few" ciders.......
  5. Surely our good friend Turbo needs his moniker restoring......
  6. The anacondas are also only speed rated to about 2mph so your insurance company may have something to say on the matter. I'm with Mark - the machos are excellent off road and perfectly acceptable on road and are speed rated to 80+ mph.
  7. Come on Luvvers - you can't get out of it that easily! Go blag us a decent reduction from the castle and make sure the barmaids are working that night too.... With your blagging skills it should be a walk in the park! Gary - it'd be rude not to!
  8. Where is our resident cartoonist when we need him....? Oi Michele! Get yer crayons out!!!
  9. You having a laff Lesmond....? I seem to remember you need a little more than WD40 to kepp your motor moving.....
  10. I'm in! Let us know the booking arrangements Luvvers old bean! Still plenty of that site to explore! If anyone fancies co-driving / bi-atching / balasting (?) for me drop me a line.....
  11. I'll see your sweets and raise you a packet of Jaffa Cakes!
  12. Can anyone smell burning........? Coat on and running.........
  13. Yup, you have my support, BUT can we please make sure the forum maintains the same atmosphere? i.e, ORRP isORRP and a jolly fine place it is to, but LRA must stay as polite as it was "before"....... am I making any sense?
  14. Morning all! Glad to see the same old faces over here! Bishbosh
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