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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. I got to admit you didn't look too happy but I had to Laugh when you said "Just drag the ****** out" What alternator where you using? and what happened to it? As soon as Jim sorts the auto free spool drums I think I'm going to 24v the twin motor!
  2. I just made a new crossmember out of some heavy wall 2x4 box section and kept it tucked up a bit higher than the original round one.
  3. Popped up yesterday for a quick look. Although watching and not competing always makes me a**ey . Adrian and Pig were going well when they weren't squabbling like a married couple (Adrians getting as bad as Jim :lol: ) or Adrian chatting when Pigster was telling him to do something then blaming me for distracting him! Fair play to them on SS1, Pig worked his a**e off! When I left they had only a handful of punch's left to get. Chris and Justin were also going well, not sure how many punch's they had when I left but they must have been close to clearing the site as they were moving pretty fast. Didn't see them on the special but I think Chris's truck may have been a tight squeeze through the gates on SS1. Simon and Chris had a disaster. Ripping a brake pipe off and a U/S gear box in the first few hours which pretty much ended their day. They carried on doing a few, then had winch trouble's, a flat battery and ended up on their side which was a shame as they were looking pretty good early on. Didn't see too much of Saley and Carl but when I did they seemed to be having fun, last I saw they were struggling to find the punch's they needed for the day. The new winch is very impressive and free spooling it is effortless. Looked like some good punch's set out well, Definitely an event worth entering. Anyone know how the night stage went? Here's a couple of pic's but Im not good with a camera, (usually forget to use it)
  4. They are a tube that goes over you existing track rod, Panhard rod to strengthen them. Easy enough to fit, Just take a track rod end out and slide them over. They are far stronger than just the std bar but the std track rod is left exposed at either end where the clamp sits and ive seen quite a few break off there when a dan bar fitted. replacement with a solid H/D bar like the Sumo or Bearmach ones is far better and I believe not a lot different in cost.
  5. Blimey, Snow, I just been sat in the back garden drinking Coffee, the sun is out, its warm and looks like its going to be a beautiful day! The Mrs got the beginnings of a suntan yesterday!!!! And there was me thinking Wales always got the S**ty end of the weather stick.
  6. I know a few Fox's that turned into Pigs just a few hours later :D !!!!
  7. Av you seen the price, Thats more than a Fox!
  8. We do them, Just be careful, Make sure you have a good look at where everything goes as you take it apart, Mark everything that has adjustment on it and most importantly of all, Wash it off really well before you start and be sure not to get any dirt in there. Parts available from any Bosch dealer, Just get the number off the pump and they will sort it from there.
  9. Steve 90


    Most of our commonly used oils are in 25ltr containers with a barrel pump and hose but if you only use occasionally one of these will do the trick. http://shop.difflock.com/oilsafe-pump-litre-p-93.html Bit pricey for the occasional user but they are very well made and seem to last well. Had a few cheaper versions and they dont last five minutes.
  10. Dont worry about learning to drive, Jim has barely got to grips with the basics and can only cope with 2 pedals but still managed it !
  11. Blimey, This is looking like it could be a nightmare, and an expensive one at that!
  12. They reckon the shipping will be $2-300, if they add tax to that aswell as the price of the parts its going to start getting silly!
  13. So do they just charge VAT on the price of the parts and delivery or do they add all sorts of other duty's?
  14. Blimey, So it could cost me anything! Whats the worst case scenario?
  15. Just had a quote for some parts from the U/S. I know how much its going to cost me to buy but what charges should I expect by the time it drops on my door step? Can anyone help? as I have no clue what to expect and want to be sure as they are quite pricey and I need to be sure exactly how much this is costing. Cheers. Steve.
  16. I cant remember, i didn't actually buy it a mate did and I dont ever remember paying him for it, oooops. better check on that I spose.
  17. We always put the closer coils of progressive springs to the top in the forks of the MX bike. The theory of it according to Mr Ohlins was, when they were tight together they are effectively just a lump of weight. With them too the top of the fork it would keep the unspring weight down. That said I went between suspension services once (about 15 weeks) with them the wrong way up and had absolutely no clue, Didn't notice any difference!
  18. And some dont spend enough ..............I wont mention any names but you know who you are :lol: Does seem to be a common failing with a certain pair tho!
  19. We'll all be back in flares by then!
  20. No pic's of it on the truck but I'll get some. Here it is on Gwyns site, http://www.gwynlewis4x4.co.uk/page29.html If your worried about it giving less ground clearance then dont, They are tucked up very neatly and probably hang down less than half an inch lower than the track rod. Unless you stick your head right under the axle you cant even see it from the front.
  21. They are probably hunting round the back of the sheds at Tata looking for some old stock they can make fit! LR are very good at that, Just think of the maestro van tail lights and marina door handles they would have had to throw out if it wasn't for the discovery!
  22. Yea thanks, Will ! I knew it, I only got my first pair of flares 2 years after everyone else stopped wearing them !
  23. Im using 4.11-1 diff,s Gearing is pretty good. Im not sure what size they are, They were new but markings were missing when I got them. They are a 16 inch rim, Measure about 13 1/2 inchs wide on a 10 inch rim and stand slightly smaller than a 35 inch fedima (only just) but bigger than a 35 inch simex. So from that your guess is as good as mine.
  24. Simex could be better on road but the boggers are acceptable. I disagree (sorry Will) about the "as long as its not sand or bog" comment, The boggers are better on rock, in the wood on tree roots and leafy mulch, when its hard packed, when its hard packed with a slippery layer on top, When its just soft mud, Pretty much all round really. Not as stable on high speed sections as a simex but everywhere else they win, hands down. Also THERE IS NO SIDE SLOPE ISSUE, I was worried about this when I bought them as people had spoken about it. I drive side slopes on my boggers that most people wont even attempt and they are brilliant, I have every confidence in them.
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