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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. Well done Adrian, Chris rob and Richard, Excellent results. What was the special you did Chris? Adrian told me about the one he did where he had to hit the balls.
  2. I want to but at the moment I just cant leave work for that much time
  3. Opppps, maybe I'll give them a miss then!
  4. MMmmm, sound dodgy, Quantocks sounds southwest for something naughty!
  5. Also I have a short socket/universal joint combination (snap on ££££££££££ unfortunatly) which makes the job a million times easier.
  6. Says you! What would you know any way.....Cricket.....the gentlemans sport
  7. I always do them from the top, Once you have done a couple you get the hang of them and they dont take very long. Still remember swearing a lot when I did the first one.
  8. Brilliant, I'll get on the phone in the morning. Thanks. Steve.
  9. As the title says really. Moving the rad on my truck and want to do away with the oil cooler. I know I could just loop the pipe from the filter housing back into itself and if theres nothing available then thats what I will do. But id like to do away with the pipe's all together so does anyone know if there is a housing (maybe off N/A diesel or something) available that will fit a Tdi and doesn't have the pipes for the cooler? Cheers. Steve.
  10. Your not biting, Usually your not looking.................
  11. Doesn't work like that, There's no "this is your job, This is mine" Theres no black and white whose responsible for what as the two roles will always have an amount of overlap and situations are always so differnt and changing. It either works itself out or it doesn't and if your debateing who should be doing what then there's ya problem. The co drivers never going to be in the right place all the time, The drivers not gona get it right all the time. . You need to adapt quickly to whatever your confronted with, Work well as a team and have an ability to know what each other are thinking without them saying anything. Marshals shouldn't be doing anything other than making sure your within the rules and not doing anything dangerous. Even if your going about things in the wrong way aslong as its safe and inside the rules set out by the organisers they should let you get on with it. If something does go wrong tho its ALWAYS the co drivers fault, Usually bad spotting
  12. Id be more than happy to bring them down to the next event if someone can get them too me before Tim. At the moment I cant think I'll be in the cardiff area till 1st week in May. If I can think of any way of getting them here I'll let you know.
  13. Possibly not then, I only thought that because of the construction of the axle looked similar to the spidertracks. You would know much much more about them than me.
  14. No, Definitely not Portal tech, Volvo or mog.
  15. Looks awesome doesn't it. I would love to do an event like this. Andy tells me the 90deg challenge he is running at manby is this style but we cant make it again this year .
  16. Any idea what axle this is, looks like Spidertrack diff and axle but what are the drop/portal box's
  17. As the site is down you can see them here. http://www.devon4x4.com/component/option,c...showcaticons,no
  18. Im sure you said $95, I nearly spat my corn flakes out!
  19. Is someone making beadlocks?
  20. Do it. It works and its brilliant. The failures are mainly due to over speeding the motors when paying line out as they tend to spin too fast. Otherwise they seem to be very reliable. Im going 24-12 on my twin motor. Jims running it now and it is awesome (sorry mods but it seemed a fitting word) to see working.
  21. Nice, I want one! Although there's probably not much point, All my stuff goes to look very "used" quite quickly. Just out of curiosity, Any idea how much?
  22. Are you sure about that! There is nothing in the testers manual about it and if there is no RFR given then you cant fail it. It does not come into the MOT.
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