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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. There is little to beat a Saley winch with twin speed pump/motor arrangement, there has only ever been one failure where two Land-rovers were being pulled an impossibly steep bank and the rigging gave which caused a massive shock loading (don't forget 2Land-Rovers) and then the gear set was modified so that it will never happen again.

    It stops instantly, has 2 gears, free-spool, sealed for life bearings and can take easily 250foot of 12mm rope, comes with any length of drum, is very competitively priced, and is by far the best hydraulic winch on the market, period.

  2. Saley and I have just got home after a recce and a refresher of the place and it's all go.

    The farmer has sorted out a good firm field for camping and parking and is not concerned about the weather or us getting dirty.

    So for the benefit of the person (John) who rang me yesterday, it's next Weekend 7 October 2012

    The final round at Coyney Green will be (as it always has been) Sunday 4th November 2012

    Thanks guys, please let me know who's coming.......


  3. Just in the process of swapping to a later type plenum chamber and will have to convert the plug connection to the later type TPS, does anyone know from looking at the 3 flat pins which pin goes to which colour on the round 3.9 type plug.

    I plan to solder onto the flat pins of the newer TPS with an old earlier type plug, then seal it in silicon so its a straight plug back in affair to my loom.

    Just a case of greem to middle or whatever please.


  4. Well here we are on the countdown to what is now Round 3 to be staged on October 7th 2012

    This is to be held on the awesome Green Hall Farm at Llanfylin

    Llanfylin is roughly between Wrexham and Oswestry and is an huge site.

    Usual rules apply, free camping, toilets and no butty van (slow's us down), and the usual £60 entry free.

    Paypal is available via the AWDC website. Please DO fill an online entry out for those of you who have not pre-entered. This will give me a better idea who is coming and will help me to fill an entry list out.

    Double punch cards (we love 'em) and 2 special stages, and more NO blindfold stunts guaranteed.

    Maximum of 30 entrants and already loads of interest so do get your enteries in early.

    Will will be using the adopted special handicap scoring system which has proved a huge success and evened out the playing really well.

    Scrutineering will be available on the Saturday and from 08.00 - 09.00hrs on the day, drivers briefing at 09.30 hrs and competition will start at 10.00hrs.

    Rules and regs are available on the AWDC website follow the Challenge North West link.

    We have no restrictions on tyre size, hydrosteer, rear steer, portals etc just a points handicap system.

    Please note this is a working livestock farm and all animals must be kept on a lead and under control.

    Please arrange and take all litter and broken vehicles home after the event, and make sure sure you enjoy yourselves. A postcode will be posted shortly on here and the Facebook Challenge North West pages.

    See you there for another fine event.

    Marshalls welcome as always.


  5. Just stuck an overdrive on a lightweight and it seems to overfilling with oil from the transferbox.

    I'm sure I've heard of this before but couldn't find it on a search or a trawl through.

    It was straight swap from one series to another and was not a problem before.

    Any thoughts please.....


  6. Right Gents

    From Biddulph stay on the A527 towards Congleton, you will just as your approaching the outskirts of Congleton go under a bridge (Staffs/Cheshire border) keep going for approx 1 mile until you arrive at the traffic lights, turn left into Leek road, take the 4th left turn (just before Railway bridge) into Moss Road.

    Follow Moss Road past garden centre round right hand bend and you will see another Railway Bridge turn left into Mow Lane along side tracks and keep on this road to site, you will go past Horshoe Inn (fine country pub) up the steep bank and site is at top of the hill (just where it opens up) through gate on right.

    A34 Congleton to Kidsgrove road, turn at Astbury Church (big Church big spire near pub called Edgerton Arms) there is a big green triangle of land with a small garage on junction.

    Up past Church, ignore small right turn into house's and take right fork at the junction (with house in middle) this called Dodds Lane and keep on over Canal bridge until you reach the end which is where it meets Mow Lane (just over Railway bridge) turn right up past Horseshoes Inn (dam fine country pub and still is) and up bank to site as above.

    Lads that is really the only ways to site with a trailer, caravan or lorry, If you approach from the other way you will have to go down past the site and try to turn around somewhere.

    Who needs Multimap........

    Good pub Horshoe Inn did I mention it, good mixed grill....

  7. Well time is running on and it's all go for the awesome Mow Cop which was originally round 3, but is now the second one in the series due to flooding at round 2.

    Mow Cop is on the Staffordshire / Cheshire border and is an great site for a Challenge with rocks, trees and mud, what more could you want?

    Camping is available Saturday night and is on good ground with plenty of room.

    The camping is great and the views across the Cheshire plain right up to the Welsh hills are spectacular.

    Loads of parking, it's got it all, and we are pleased to have the use of the venue.

    Toilets will be on site and I'm trying for a catering van but don't hold your breath.

    John Sales is in charge of entertainment, as always, and we are in for a great event, I cannot wait.

    Enteries are open on the ADWC website, where if you wish to pre-pay the Paypal option is available, or a cheque as per web site instructions.

    It will also be on Facebook Challenge North West, if you have not done one with us before or are new to the scene there will be plenty of help, assistance and advice there.

    You are more than welcome.

    Scrutineering from 08.00 - 09.00 on the day, drivers briefing 09.30hrs and start at 10.00hrs.

    All rules and regs on AWDC website.

    Please note due to this being a livestock farm any animals must be on a lead and under control at all times. Any and all litter must be collected and removed before leaving please.

    Looking forward to seeing you and for a great weekend. I survived the "King of the Valleys"


  8. I have a thought it could be down to a blocked/blocking cone air filter on top of the snorkel (green cotton type) because it had 60 litres plus in a the start line, although i've not checked it yet but it drank fuel on last run.

    Problem being if your behind another motor in the dust you could'nt see and all that is being sucked in the filter, i recon thats was the gonad dropped not swapping that on day two, but younlive and learn, and i'd put some airflow onto the rear rad, but hey ho it was never built for racing, in harmony with it's creator & owner, a leisure machine.


  9. We had an eventful weekend but tried as you say "within limits" which is ridicolousy hard.

    My V8 was cooking with the the rear radiator and not getting any airflow apart from the fans, so to counteract i tried increasing the fueling via the megasquirt, this proved very expensive at 50 litres plus a lap (17 miles) but did keep it cooler a degree or two.

    On day 1 in the afternoon we were up to 6th half way round but the my enthusiastic co-driver was a bit to rough on the high low gearstick and got it stuck in high, so no chance when we got to the rocks, steadyvdrive back to the pits.

    Sunday after a flying start IN REVERSE, totally my fault, a lot of laughing and shouting and we were off, but boy was it slippy and no front brakes which resulted in effect of handbraking every corner, which was very scary on a slippery surface, we managed to overtake Saley, Philon, helped another back on the wheels in the mud run, got stuck at the end ofvthe hidden valley with a small (20ft) pine tree through the axles and belly pan, then flew overtook 2 more on the rocks then started with major problems at the end of the rocks with fuel starvation when it was standing up. I instanly knew the was fast approaching empty.

    It lasted until about 2 miles from the finish where it ran dry, totally gutted.

    Damage all weekend

    1 adjustable linkage of a L230 transfer box

    1 huge dent in the Mastercard for fuel, but have now got a new lawnmover, some towels, and a set of pyrex dishes for her.

    And a lot of aches and pains, but enjoyed it immensely.

    Thanks to Ashcroft for their superb shafts,C/V's and lockers, and Megasquirt Nige's pegged diffs, they're effin strong.



  10. The prologue was a stunner flat out in low box, then a rock climb which i lost a lot of time on getting caught up on thevrear diff, then into high box for a flat out run through the forest,

    But then temp gauge hit 110 degrees so eased of a bit only to be overtaken by a flying Welshman named Steve Gittins.

    And all that excitement on a 3 mile short section, damage 1 rear mudflap ripped of a rock when shunting, and a very dry throat, proper dusty. Seen a lot of lads with tyres off or shredded on the rocks.

    Tomorrow 2x 17 mile runs, oh my gawd, its very tiring and hotttttttttttttt.

    Love it


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