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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. I actually have mine on 0 so if it gets a good dunking on a event chances are it will in a poor state anyway.

    The ECU's being looked at by experts (I hope) so all should be revealed.

    But thanks for airing thoughts and idea's, it keeps us all informed.


  2. Right oh

    AWDC Challenge North West Round 2

    Is as you know by know due to reasons beyond our control (i.e. an underwater site, I mean a lot of the site) cancelled, and this hurts like hell for a lot of people from an organasation side, and from a competitors side as well, yes I got my motor ready and loaded as well.

    What we are proposing to do is to re-schedule Round 2 to the 7th October at the same awesome site Green Hall Farm if the majority are happy with that.

    We have had a frantic ring around today and could not get what we wanted elsewhere plus it takes a couple of days for the MSA permit to be issued, and I was not prepared to continue without one.

    By 7th October there is a possbility it may have stopped raining and the land will have dried slightly.

    Folks who have pre-paid can have the option of a refund, transfer it to Mow Cop, of basically let me know what you want to do, there's no problems.

    So please let me know of your thoughts of Oct 7th before we re-book it 07973 775045, and it willbe here here before you know it.

    Sorry again but it's not our fault....


  3. AWDC North West Challenge Round 2 Final instructions

    Please drive safely at all times and obey parking and any speed instructions.

    Camping and loading / unloading of trailers must be carried out in the areas provided.

    Fires are not allowed and ALL litter must be removed from site, we must respect the landowner’s property and respect that this is a working farm and animals could be present anywhere on the land and remove all risks towards such animals.

    Please bear in mind at all times that we would like in the future to return here.

    Marshalls, Clerk of the Course and officials, will have an answer for all your problems and concerns please do ask them or highlight them of any problems/incidents.

    Dogs must be under control and on a leash/lead at all times (this is the landowners right) it is a working sheep farm and lose animals could be shot if the farmer see’s them as a risk. Please let’s not get ourselves in this position.

    Upon arrival at site please sign on and get your vehicle ready for scrutineering, this will save time and could leave time for any last minute items that have been identified that can be corrected .

    Any repairs that could cause land contamination should be carried out on a suitable groundsheet.

    Please no loud music or generators after 23.00hrs some of the elders need a rest.

    Please do take note of the scores that can be achieved by taking part in the special stages they can be very rewarding.

    Drivers briefing will be at 09.30hrs, scrutineering from 08.00hrs and we aim to start the competition at 10.00hrs.

    We will have very limited marshall recovery, if you are recovered by a marshall your punch card will be removed and your day is over, if you are recovered by a fellow competition buy him a cup of tea and carry on when ready.

    Please do enjoy yourselves as must as possible and have a great safe, competitive weekend, and don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t know.

  4. Excuse me gents but with a quality partnership and the vast array of skills between us I'm not sure anyone will "be running around" as you put it.

    There's no comparision between age and experience and some young green upstarts, just check the trophy cabinet BOY, ours are full (darts, snooker & crib)

    Bob, Saleys doing the running and me the shouting, it'll be like Dumb and Dumber the remake in slow mo....

    Don't get panicking your safe...

  5. I've a couple of really minor jobs to do after my early demise from the Scotia up in the forest of Griffin better know as Frustration Forest for me and Saley, as we both returned early.

    My ECU gave up the ghost and I'd forgot my spare and Saleys hydrualic pump braket and chain gave up work for a living, it was only a 650 mile round trip.

    I heard my rear trailling arms rose joints clanking away and they need replacing and a battery lug went high resistant, so easy ones really.

    Looking forward to this one it's one huge site.

    Please do post up if your available to Marshall your more than welcome.


  6. The spark was present when it was cranking and refusing to run as was the fuel (there's a gauge on the fuel rail and the pump was clearly heard) and to confirm this I split the pipe at a union and it certainly was present. There was also as previously stated 12 volts poitive on the injectors.

    After an hour of so (on both occastions) it will run perfectly normal, as though nothing ever was wrong.

    The ECU and EDIS8 are mounted on the NSF bulkhead in a waterpoof enclosure where the heater unit once lived, this has been the case for four or more years, so I don't believe it is caused by heat due to the wrong location etc, it's certainly been hotter in the past during competitions and never suffered any problems.

    I have a problem where I live letting it run for long periods because of annoying the neighbours but yesterday it ran for 10 minutes or so with the laptop plugged in and all appears perfectly normal on the maps and readings etc.

    It's a full on off road challenge motor and is not taxed MOT'd or insured so it's difficult to warm it up really unless there's a play day coming up.

    Spare ECU is now in place and the suspect one is being posted to guess who Nige, for a looksy...

  7. Following a 7 hour drive to the forest of Griffin this weekend to compete in the Scotia Winch Challenge I returned home with a failure.

    Problem 1 I forgot to take my spare ECU which has just been returned to me from Nige, but in panic forgot to put it spares box.....

    Right 8.00am start and we're off perfect running superb (as always for the last few years) and suddenly 2 hours into comp a bit of a cough and splutter and dead, no go, check fuel pressure and yes it's fine backed up by taking pipe off rail to confirm and yes there's fuel there, checked sparking with a spare plug and it's sparking good and strong and consisitent, but no go, feel injectors and cannot feel a pulse.

    The engine is spinning over fine but no a sign of life.

    Long tow back to pits and check 12volt +ive and its present on injector lead. Then suddenly try it again and its running perfect.

    I did not touch the ECU etc because it's sealed up in a box on the bulkhead.

    Perfect for about 2 hours more without a hiccup and suddenly cough splutter and dead again, exactly the same as before.

    2 hour recovery back to the pits and dead as a doornail winch it on trailer and home.

    Out this morning to unload trailer and hey ho perfect, so what will stop it from injecting after a few hours of use, dry joint, component breaking down? but it only appears to be injection side only.

    The only thing that could possibly be (but I doubt it) is the serial lead is always left in situ and sealed in a bag for ease of connection and 1 wire was off it's terminal and could possibly have touched something else, but if that was the case why when it was still on the pits did it suddenly start to work again with plug being moved or rattled around.

    I didn't have the laptop with me for diagnostics (being used to not taking it anymore) and it's not a road going vehicle so it would be very difficult to let it run for 3 or 4 hours until it fails.

    Suggestions please

    I have spare ECU for a few upcoming events including King of the Valleys but want total realiability.

    Thanks Guys

  8. I've been asked to start a seperate post featuring the AWDC Challenge North West Round 2

    Enteries are well and truly open for Round 2 at the awesome Green Hall Farm at LLanfyllin (12 miles South of Oswestry)

    Camping and toilets are available and is a cracking good comp on a spectacular site, and again we are actively encouraging the social aspect, where we can swap ideas and have a chat and a laugh.

    We are sticking to the double card system and the scoring handicap which has been really well recieved,and will be featuring again 2 special stages (which can raise some good points).

    Entries via the AWDC website (follow the links) where if required you can pay via PayPal or whatever

    As before no real restrictions on vehicles or classes, just got to meet the MSA regs any problems or concerns ring me on 07973 775045

    Please support us as best as you can, don't forget this series is being run BY competitors FOR competitors.

    No poor lame excuses please


  9. Ladies and Gentlemen

    Please do get your enteries in as soon as possible for round 2 of the AWDC Challenge North West event

    This is a previously stated at the awesome Llanfylin site in Wales on the 24th June. Its summer fun time.

    Camping is available and is a truly fantastic setting, this is one huge and superb site, and not one of the hammered to death sites.

    Enteries can be done in the usual method via the AWDC website and the Paypal (pay and forget) system is availble if required.

    It will be run on what appears to be (from your comments) the format as adopted in Round 1 at Uplands Coppice.

    Please do enter, remember this is being run for you, by us, to keep the North active.

    Thanks again Chris

  10. Team Idris, you were never asked, or more to point, you never stated or asked us if you could bring "the beast" to Bridgnorth, for whatever reason.

    At Bridgnorth recovery was organised weeks before, so I'm sorry if it cost you money to "drag" it there, but it wasn't our idea.

  11. Results from the AWDC Challenge North West 22.4.12 at Uplands Coppice are as follows

    Car Driver, Punch %, punch total, SS1, SS2, Total, Place

    1 Barrie Gee 60 2100 300 495 2895 3

    2 John Hoole 80 1020 1200 J21

    3 John Sales 75 1500 499 493 2492 8

    4 James Raftery 80 320 320 23

    5 Richard Nicholson 85 1020 1020 J21

    6 Gordon Conway 80 1120 300 496 1916 13

    7 Chris Booth 75 1800 200 498 2498 7

    8 Kev Thomas 95 2185 2185 10

    9 Johnathon Smith 95 1549 200 494 1549 17

    10 Gary Reed 80 1440 1440 18

    11 Richard Fear 80 2160 2160 11

    13 Dan Thomas 80 2400 2400 9

    14 Allen Sharpe 80 3440 300 3740 2

    15 Daniel Roderick 95 1710 498 497 2705 5

    16 Simon Essam 80 1600 1600 16

    17 Dean Russell 80 1120 1120 20

    18 Simon Lee 95 3990 492 4482 1

    19 No show

    20 Steve Bennett 85 2125 2125 12

    21 Bob Smith 90 1620 150 1770 14

    22 Dyffd Belton 80 560 499 1059 20

    23 John Bonner 90 2520 2520 6

    24 Gavin Newell 80 2880 2880 4


  12. Well folks thanks for a great weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it even though I was fannying aroung like some old mother trying to make sure everything was going good.

    A very special thanks to Mr Badger and young Miss, Badger, Glaggsy, Charles, Mark, and Dave plus all the other Marshalls who were superb, thanks to Neil A.K.A.the Godfather for all his help and advice and for leaving us to it, and to Mrs Badger Sue who was absolutely outstanding in her role as Clerk of Course, and of course Bob Treebloke for the use of his superb site and facilities,and not forgetting my partner in crime Saley and our Thomas for putting up with me whilst I was obviously distracted (poor excuse but I'll use it) and for all his help with the running of it.

    I think everthing went well apart from me forgetting special stage signs, srutineering and event signing on signs (which we improvised for).

    I will later today post up the full scores and placings...

    WHAT we want is photo's posting, there is a superb video of to drive on two wheels whilst completing a special stage from Gordon "Zim" Conway, what a show off, fantastic stuff, as Alex Ferguson would say "squeaky bum moment".

    But boys and girls YOU made it a great weekend thank you.


  13. After carefull consideration we have decided to leave Saley and his truck where he is untill the day before round 2, it will be more peacefull

    Guess who put £85's worth of Premier unleaded on top of the half of tank of Diesel in his Landcruiser last night..yes this knob head..

    just waiting for the tank drain guys to arrive, £250 for the drain, plus loss of a full tank of fuel, then about £135 to refill with the proper stuff....

    could have had a week away in Cyprus of somewhere for that.... still a least I hadn't started it... still feel a knob now.....

    Just going to load up and make my way down there, see you all there for a spectacular weekend.....

  14. Final instructions are as follows.

    Scrutineering and signing on from 08.30hrs Sunday, scrutineering finished at 09.30hrs, Marshalls brief at 09.00hrs, drivers brief at 09.30hrs.

    Start of comp at 10.00hrs, finish is expected at 16.00hrs.

    Trophys etc will be presented at close of play (trophys are mint, well worth earning).

    Camping on nice fresh grass is available, toilets are on site, butty van will be on Sunday, please bring a bin liner to take any rubbish with you (you know the drill by now).

    Smiles and laughs are mandatory, poscodes and addresses are posted elsewhere on here, marshalls and clerk of the courses desision is final.

    Please do not abuse our Marshalls they do it for fun and not to be abused, thanks for all your help and assistance so far, lets have a great weekend.

    You have Saleys and my mobile numbers for any problems etc, see you weekend.


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