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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Daan I either drive a land rover to work or I don't own one end of story. I've almost never owned a normal car in fact I borrowed a disco 3 briefly Saturday it's very nice but simply not me (The subject of a normal car has cropped up with the wife).

    It's bad enough that the money for getting the ibex on the road is going to be used to purchase an engine. I'm not going backwards when I'm so close.

    Bowie the first engine has snapped a cam due I think to a spun bearing which I believe is a block right off. The second I though was a blown turbo, I'm now thinking it maybe a holed piston. To make a good one out of the two is work wise in the realms of a re-con but without the benefit of new parts.


  2. Thanks ed I've got to find one first but I should be ok.

    Daan that's a nice idea but that involves a lot of time and money. I did a 200tdi rebuild for a friend a few years ago it took me the best part of a month of evenings, this truck is my daily driver so I don't have that kind of time. Turner short engine is £2000 with head and sump it' £4000 The trucks only worth £2500-£3000 and I simply don't have enough money to buy a second hand one let alone re-con.


  3. Well that didn't go to plan either. I had a spare engine with what I thought was a blown turbo. So myself and tsd built it up with known good bits off the current engine then swapped it. Eventually we got it running albeit on 3 cylinders. After much fiddling and a short drive we have canned it as also dead. I'm now looking for another 200tdi to go in. Hopefully I can find one and have another go this weekend.


  4. After the crank pulley coming loose a little while ago. Then last couple of weeks a radiator change and a blown core plug on 45. Now it seems the 110 wants in on the action. I drove home tonight no problem then had to nip out. So jump in turn her over she catches but doesn't fire, try again this time there's a sort of clunk then she spins over very freely. Ok so that now sounds like no compression! I go out in 45 when I get back rocker box off, turn it over valves 1 and 2 are trying to move but not as normal the rest however are stationary. My conclusion is a snapped cam. The rest of this evening has been spent stripping the bits off that need to be swapped onto my spare engine. So of your bored and in Southampton this weekend feel free to come take the mickey out of me doing an engine swap in the rain........


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  5. The 110 wheel and an aftermarket one I have won't pass IVA. The discovery wheel fits the column (110) and the switch gear (disco) but not when they're together. So I've got a mini wheel coming that should satisfy both. 

    I fix the drivers window catch and covered the door mirror bolts. Fitted the gutter trim. The interior light was a broken connection on the disco loom which required the dash out but that's all done now.


  6. Head gasket normally gives excessive pressure and staining around the blow off drain (all down the inner wing). First try swapping the heater pipes round as it sounds like it's filling from the top and not the bottom like it should be. I'd also replace the rad cap. Next have a good look at the radiator they tend to leak with no wet patch same with the water pump again look for staining or a small weep.


  7. Ok so I didn't do any actual work today. I have filled out the IVA application form and sorted the paperwork that goes with it ready to post. But I have 3 jobs that I want ticked off before I post it these are.

    Fit the steering wheel (this requires the interior lights fixing first).

    Front seatbelts (waiting for them to be delivered).

    Fit rear number plate bracket and light.


  8. We have similar issues daily as has been said people pull out regardless. Unfortunately I think British driving standards are appalling now. Native driver are as bad as anyone else. I think there is no consideration or regard for anyone else these days people are so wrapped up in them selves they don't care about anyone else.


  9. My understanding is it used to be altering the wheel base was a fail. But brackets, out riggers even front and back mods weren't a problem. However with IVA this was changed to any modifications to the chassis became a fail. You can add by bolting or welding to the chassis from what I can make out and repairs are fine but if you "cut" the chassis to mod it then that's a fail.


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