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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. I've had similar issue to others and I only ever used the parts department. 🤣 On the bright side there's a man in Sheffield who sells exactly the vehicle most of us want, is a genuine nice guy, not pushy in any way and will build you exactly what you ask for. His name is David Foers.....


    If I ever have the money to buy new that's where I would be going. Oh and they British through and through.


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  2. I did a cam belt Tuesday night with the draper beam type mentioned and have done more than I care to mention. Yes it is tricky to hold it accurately but I've never had an issue either. I have in the past used a click type and held it mid click but felt this wasn't good enough hence me buying the beam type.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Junglie said:

    Yeah, maybe I was being optimistic - unless you want to make the door out of 300x300 tiles (which could look cool perhaps) it will be...expensive.

    Large sheets of composite including fibreglass are difficult to find to buy, unless you make it yourself.


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