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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Instead of replacing my shed with a wooden one in bought a concrete prefab garage off eBay for £1 (already dismantled, buyer collects). I reconfigured the shape put a new roof on and painted it. All in, including some concrete to extend the current base (no car ever going in so didn't need to be as thick) it cost me about £500.







  2. I had the exact same experience a few months ago. By the time I took the gearbox out I had 4th gear in every gear but that was only after a lazy recovery driver was determined to drive it onto the flat bed, he had to winch it in the end but not before playing a tune on the gears. Unfortunately mine wasn't the clutch so I ended up changing the gearbox.


  3. I've had some wheel wobble recently. This morning I noticed a fairly large amount of mud trapped behind the bead lock flange of the front wheel. This ment it wasn't obvious until I was in the right position with the wheel at the right point. I fished the worst of it out and went to work. It was so vastly reduced I'll be washing the rest out this evening. The worst bit is I haven't even been off road recently, it must of happened when someone :rtfm: wouldn't move over on a narrow road and I had to take to the ditch for him to miss me.


  4. The wife has been using nanoCAD the free version is 2D only but the subscribed (relatively cheap from memory, especially compared to AutoCAD) does 3D I believe. She's really impressed with it her words were it works just like AutoCAD, yes there are some differences but she just got on an used it rather than needing tutorial's to draw a square.


  5. Have you got the toe adaptor for the last one, basically it a Z of steel which allows the lift point to be two inches off the ground. They're great for lifting cradles.


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