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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Head and block look flat as best I can tell with a light and straight edge. I torque as per book every time as I can never remember it. :wacko: The head does have a couple of cracks between valves and by injectors (common on 200's of this age) but all within the combustion chamber. There is often pitting in the head in way of the water ways but this head doesn't even have that.

    I'll put it back together and look to getting the other block sorted sooner rather than later.


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  2. This is a different head to previous, as the last one blew on the way to Scotland. Then unbeknownst to me had cracked in the exhaust port but I thought it was the hg so I had it skimmed, refitted it then swapped it for current. So in my defence technicaly the hg blew last year after some fun I changed the head and now it's blown this year, like I said this engine is tired, I'm not renowned for hanging about, it does do 50 mile a day (which is more than some on here manage in a year :hysterical:) and it spends quite a bit of time on tickover winching none of this is good for longevity. I do have another head coming at some point but that's destined for the rebuild 200tdi. I haven't put a straight edge over it yet but there's no obvious issue.


  3. 15 minutes ago, Snagger said:

    Vulcan, can I ask why you are excluding BFG?  Not a conflict of opinion but a genuine query as I haven’t bought any in well over a decade and things do change.

    I suspect it's due to the staggering price of them now. I like bfg but doubt I'll be buying some come replacement for this reason.


  4. Both engines are well used and tired so a rebuild would fix the issues. Yes I like the 200tdi but they are old. I've not seen an engine that is comparable power etc that makes 30mpg+. Also the cost of converting to a second hand unknown engine is about the same or more than rebuilding and refitting the engine that's already in there.


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  5. Just for a change I think the #£@&ing head gasket has gone again. Now I'm going to have to just change it because I need the truck on the road. However this has sharpened the mind on getting the other engine sorted I'm thinking either get a recon short block or send mine somewhere to get it reconditioned.

    Anyone got any recommendations preferably south coast ish. No I can't afford turner's prices.


  6. 1 hour ago, Ed Poore said:

    Hmm., odd I thought most were rated to 3.5t except the station wagons which were 3050kg?

    110 Station wagons are 2950kg to keep them in the class 4 MOT regs. 110 Hardtop and pick up are 3050kg which is class 7, however I believe they're now classed as multi-purpose vehicle and can go through a class 4 MOT. Never had a hi-cap so don't know about them.


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  7. Not wishing to scare you but TSD had a similar issue with his ibex build. He got the engine running then left it for a while, when he came to start it again it wouldn't. Turned out to be diesel bug the FIP was packed full to the point it had to be replaced, I think the injectors were done as well.


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