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Everything posted by stuck

  1. Thanks both. Nige, I'll give you a call Monday if it's ok, want to order a set of new injector plugs.
  2. Chaps, Would a kind soul with a parts listing give me the part number for the fuel injectors on a 4.6 Gems please? Thanks, Mick.
  3. Chaps, My 4.6 has decided it would prefer to be a 7 cylinder so one of the injectors has thrown it's hand in. Is it good practice to change all 8 & if so where should I be buying them from to ensure they don't come in blue boxes? Cheers, Mick.
  4. ^^^^ Your alternator is capable of supplying what? 100 Amps?
  5. Afternoon. Does anyone have a msq file for a 4.6 they would be willing to email me please? I lost the version Nige gave me when I killed my laptop & I want to reload the file in my ECU with a version that hasn't been buggered about with. If anyone is willing to email me one I'd appreciate a PM & I'll reply with my email address. Cheers, Mick.
  6. Thanks for that. Just to be 100% clear is that 10 before or after TDC?
  7. Sorry to drag this up again! It's been 2 years since I squirted my 110 & I never got around to sorting the timing out correctly. Been having a bit of a refresher as to what I need to do & came across this thread. Quick question, if i set the value of all the cells in the spark table to 10 degrees & check timing with a strobe should the TDC mark line up or do i need another mark 10 degrees off to the side & align that one?
  8. You can't weld? I'll bet you could if you tried, many many people have learn't to mig weld in an attempt to keep cars on the road... Practice, practice. Having said that I can mig & tig but i've just ordered a new S1 chassis as it's too far gone
  9. I didn't want to start a Britpart debate. Through experience I've learn't that if it rotates, seals something or is safety critical not to rely on Britpart, yes their stuff is cheap but IMHO it's cheap for a reason. The reason for the post was I've never used JC's so wasn't sure what they supplied. Cheers, Mick.
  10. As per the title Gent's, if I order a load of parts for the Sertes 1 from Craddocks will it come in blue boxes? I'm talking bearings & seals mainly. Thanks, Mick.
  11. stuck

    S1 Rear Axle

    Steve, Rightly or wrongly i left a couple of bolts securing the bearing housings to the axle tubes and jacked the half shafts out of the bearing, oil seal & retainer (bearings were knackered any way). I don't appear to have bent the drive flanges but it was always a possibility...
  12. Gent's, After a lot of swearing I've managed to get the half shafts out of of my S1's back axle (I take it a field repair was not an option on these things!) I don't have a press so once I've changed the bearings and seals am I going to be able to reassemble them? It took two 30 Te hydraulic jacks to get the shafts out! Cheers, Mick.
  13. "Does she run"? No, engine seized solid, currently having a bath in a strange substance called Diesel.
  14. She now has a name. Jezebel (I've no idea why but the name just came to me). Brought her home last Sunday & haven't had that much time due to work but have got her stripped down now. As you can see chassis is ehm, not good so I've ordered a new one Engine, gearbox & axles now in the workshop so things are moving on. Thanks for looking, Mick.
  15. 1954 86" Series 1. This certainly won't be a two minute rebuild but I'll post a few pictures as I go along. Cheers, Mick.
  16. stuck

    1954 Colours

    Hadn't thought about it to be honest, can post some pics of rust if anybody is interested.
  17. Does anyone know what colours were available for the 86" Series one when it came out back in '54? Was it just what I call LR green or were there more options? Thanks in advance, Mick.
  18. Cheers chaps, Should have said it was a S1 I was talking about, sorry. Reading this it would suggest that they are hammered in, does anyone have a link to what tools are needed (apart from the hammer obviously) or indeed what diameter drill I should use to remove the old ones so that I can get the cappings galvanised?
  19. Gent's, How are the domed rivets as used in the body cappings fitted? I've only ever used "pop" rivets in the past. Mick.
  20. I don't know for sure but I don't think it would weigh in at less than my 110 which is 2 Tonnes.
  21. Where are you based? If your any where near Lancashire I'd be willing to lend you the parts, if you aren't up north someone else may me willing if you state where you are. Mick.
  22. Yep, if you want a new chassis for a S1 your options are becoming very limited. As we all know, limited means £££££
  23. Richards don't do a chassis for a S1 any more. When I spoke to Marslands I was told that they only have enough components to build 3 S1 chassis (86"), after that they won't be doing any more. Radfords are giving a delivery time of 18 months...
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