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Nigel H

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Everything posted by Nigel H

  1. A quick search brought up this: http://www.landrover.net/paint/ There used to a site that listed all the codes and spray/painting techniques - but as usal - can't find it when you want it
  2. I'll work on that one for you Ali - It'd give me some peace and quiet
  3. Jen, Can I have a copy please, possibly pick up at Old Sod? x N.
  4. BGMD is OK. b*gg*r that's something you should just never say
  5. Yes - I saw those green ones and am very tempted - only cos they are needed of course B)
  6. Does Andy (Moglite) know they can come in a choice of colours?
  7. Was wondering when you'd show up and no, you aint left 'em in the back of my truck, more's the pitty
  8. You're forgeting the technicalities of fitting and wiring the mirror ball and bubble machine.
  9. You've got a few to be going on with so stop nagging
  10. Yeah, mine smoked a lot on start up today - as it does every day, but then again...
  11. The bit of the time sheet that goes back to accounts is a carbon copy - needless to say, and he doesn't know it yet, but Jules signed loads of blanks for me last week
  12. All Jerry cans colour coded allready. And I'm safe from Jules for... erm, atleast an hour, he's in a meeting with Guy - so let the abuse roll on
  13. Working with Jules does have it's moments. No really it does. There are other clowns on site too Jules has just been told off for making 3 cups of tea and over filling the kettle thereby "waisting electricity", by a chap who uses 139KVA 3 phase 10 hours a day - our tower crane driver. Safety is taken so seriously here that on one of my two desk drawers is a label stating "WARNING this draw contains sharp objects", and on the other drawer "WARNING this drawer contains NO biscuits", who is that aimed at I wonder. And if anyone is in any doubt about how hard Jules works - just count up all his postings on here Right, I'll just sit here quietly now and await the payback or maybe I'll go hide somewhere quiet, like up the crane B)
  14. Somebody has just plonked a packet of "Mr Porky" pork scratchings on Jules' desk
  15. Anyone know (like you lot don't know everything) the difference between a Monocrystalline and a Polycrystalline solar panel? And please - don't say "the spelling" ;o)
  16. A little bit of research can be a wonderful thing
  17. I'm laughing because Jules even asked me how to spell slacker - and still got it wrong ... and Jules, you can't go 'til I've moved my truck B)
  18. ps: Jules, where's that brew you promised an hour ago?
  19. I was just having a Friday wind down browse about (yes Jules I have been busy ), when I came across this: "pimping systems, rural electrification, boats, recreational vehicles, public lighting, signals, telecommunications and more" It's from a description for a solar panel, not as interesting as it first looked eh http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/70-WATT-SOLAR-PANEL-...1QQcmdZViewItem Is it home time yet? B)
  20. How does he do that? btw JU, the main pic on ya website's missing N.
  21. if ya were up north it could be fishchipsncurrysauce...
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