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Adrian Turner

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Everything posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Bl**dy, Bl**dy ar$e....... won't be driving at slab tomorrow as i've had to strip down the front axle after broxhead, as when i went to leave i had no front drive........so yesterday strip down, after finding the n/s Ashcroft Cv minus it's center and the new 24spl shaft minus it's spline's ...... i'll be on foot with a camera Still that's life See you all there about 10ish......
  2. I don't think it help's having the same class's in both series, Standard/clubman class, plus modified/unrestricted clubman???
  3. I ran that around the carpark for a while boy did that axle twist run it on the road no thank's!
  4. I think we've got the power to pass/out run you
  5. Ultimate is the weekend after the 1st round of the awdc challenge series. ............. and it's filling up fast, Yes! Chris we are entered, plus booked in to the Castle pub............... so get the form's in, if you want a shot
  6. Just to update...... 1st...Ben Hollis 2nd Myself & Lee Marchant........lost by 225 points 3rd Steve Marlow a fair few points behind 4th Dave Sawden 5th Simon Walton 6th Philon........ in Dave Stokes old car 7th Tony Baskil I'll report more later
  7. I'm running 4.75's from Ashcroft's.............. bl**dy low geared with a 1.4 t/box but give's me 2 sett's of ratio's offroad
  8. nope............. but have now will stick in post box in morning
  9. Jules do i need to book in???? if yes, then book me in. Mine's easy to spot it look's like this.... <<<<-----------
  10. Good point, just got a new one......... now must read how it work's! then how to post pic's!!!
  11. Cool, we're just go of and find a quite corner
  12. Right that's my membership form filled in, cheque enclosed and sent to Will see you all on the 30th Please treat me with care as i'm a little shy and new to offroading, plus i don't like playing up to the crowd's
  13. Weekend before the 1st round of the awdc series may affect some
  14. ''Cool'' 2 day event, team or single car's? And not at Slindon again i hope!
  15. Well let make one thing clear next time you put my name on/against anything, FFS, would you at least have the decency to ask/talk to me first as i've not agreed to help out on any scorpion/other event's next year, mainly as nobody has asked me yet. Not a very good start is it!!!
  16. It must have been the other one (not pauls) that was for sale a while back in awdc mag........... i nearly bought it! look's like i may have to see about a new one
  17. Filling up fast....... well known, well respected, top bloke near the top of the list you seen the list Jimbo.
  18. Now't wrong with that.......... miss's had a whippit called.............yep! whippet
  19. Killed 2 of these in about a hour each time, will never be fitting another one ever!
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