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Adrian Turner

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Everything posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Twiggy, mate! as if i would Yep i'm entered with Pigster, 37'' bogger's on and hoping to dig great big hole's for all the V8 boys other's to use It's going to be hell there, after all this rain, plus more to come.............. just how i like it I'll be there saturday, it's a good idear to get scrutineered on saturday as sunday will be very busy Cant wait, bring it on
  2. Steve you won't need to, the hospital has done it for you
  3. How'd you work that one Must have forgot about burning the washing Don't forget your tent
  4. With all this nice weather we're having Ok, a bit of rain i bet all you V8 boy's can't wait to get stuck into Slab, as it's quite a dry place at the best of time's Job's left to do remove old sticker's
  5. No cost involved........ we've been doing it for in trialing. Weld up the front, fiddle's in the back, plenty of traction and turn on a sixpence
  6. Sorry, Mark was 5th...... now it show's Tim as 5th, and no Mark anywhere???
  7. Jame's, why is there no 6th place??? Mark England...........
  8. We may see the tip of your aerial if you drive in the wrong place
  9. Give it to me for an aftrernoon.............. it'll be the same width/size as a series when i give it back
  10. Well added the wheel spacer's to the front, much better now i've got some steering lock back quick blast around the road to bed the brake's in and then a quick handbrake adjust. All ready now for action
  11. Yes well, i don't need your help with that (must pack iterm's to throw at co-driver)
  12. Well people time's a tick'in are we close to being ready or are we worried Me........ i'm ready, just need to give it the once over and load up Ps........... just a small event in France on the 2nd first
  13. Just cleaned out the back of the van ready for Brokenpin's gear...... first up 7.30 m/bike ride in morning and then go and load up for the show Twiggy......... you jammy git
  14. I'll wait to see you at the first round then we're be able to have a trayback class soon!
  15. Why's that......................... to stop you spending
  16. Now i like the idear about 2009 as i'll have the new truck built by then.
  17. If you wanted an old shed on the stand you could have used mine see you there!
  18. Look's like we're be having a chat at Slab see you there
  19. Ok, £1495. seam's like a good price......... but what do you get for that ??? and what else do i need to get it working, how much will that all cost???? and will you be doing a FULL kit........ if so how much???? No now't about oil driven winch's Thinking about the next build.......
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