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Everything posted by Hybrid_From_Hell

  1. Can you do a screen shot with ignition on and not running ?
  2. what value does your coolant temp on Megarune or tuner studio say ?
  3. Why if the Trigger wheel is on No 5 past engine at TDC have you got "20" in Trim settings ? should be "0" if wheel set correctly ??? Nige
  4. Guess who bought all DLRs diff bits stock 😎
  5. EP90 GL4 OR GL5 NOT 80/90 OR 85/90 ! Go to a plant or agricultural engineering co, you won't get it easily at motor factors Nige
  6. Quaife used to make their own 19 spline shafts, they stopped and went over to LR 24 spline drive gears years ago, .........and yes I can change the 19s to 24s .............but they are £248 a pair
  7. Hi all, I have bought in a MASSIVE amount of Land Rover Differentials and parts, amongst them is a brans spanking new Quaife ATB I am pretty sure that this is a Salisbury unit / land Rover model, but it is NOT the current QDF25K version It also has the quaife 19 spline drive gears, so my question is anyone have any idea of the previous part number(s) for Quaife Salisbury ATB that pre date the QDF25K current model ? Nige
  8. Ah yes, I had to listen to a Muppet at a play day saying his 3.9 V Belt was over 280 BHP.... I asked him how and he sprouted about himself porting it at home with a dremil and other exotic upgrades. I said he had done really well, considering my 90 + trhe John Eales full race triple plenum 5.2V8 only made 342BHP.... you could have heard a pin drop with him and his mates,............ until the laughter started
  9. The main problem I think you are going to have is that with zero preload and thinks loose the CW and the Pinion will have been meshing poorly / incorrectly and as such will have worn incorrectly. If so no amount of re jiggling is going to return it to good, and as such the prints will be poor. Its really more as to how fussy you want to be - salisburys are an ancient diff a la DANA 60 which are clunky anyway even when rebuilt properly, and rarely fail, they will end up making more noise than your ears can take pre failure, so my advice is to do the best you can and then see how noisey or not is it, as I am guessing you won't get a proper pattern now due to damage Nige
  10. What is the LR and a pic of the diffs might belp
  11. 2020 from china is going to soon meet 1985 v8 90. Report soon ! If good ill say...if average I will be honest...If they are carp I'll admit to wasting my money....🤣🤣🙈
  12. Stephen. Sent to me by a friend ....poked screen a few times thinking "ots been a awful year" ..then penny dropped ....😊
  13. Well.. On the recommendation of Mr Dangerous Doug I have bought a pair which he has bought and said are bloody good for not much money.. Not much = £50.12 inc vat and UK shipping .and ..that a pair ! E and dot marking etc etc It does seem that anything 7" LR as he says carries a premium price go it ..the exact same for 7"mini is waaay cheaper. At 50 a pair if they are half decent ill be happy ..and if smashed into a tree etc off road won't care. I will do a report/ fitting/ and if any good or carp later when they arrive .. 🙄
  14. Lol. Having thought about this more ....as i was out last night driving in heavy rain I think the issue is compounded by going from huge white lit road clear as anything...down to dip only and a sort of yellow glow vs bright white. I probably woukd nit have been travelling a quick as I was (which was not that gast) if I only had dip and main ....the LED light bars sort of give a over confidence / ability to see clearly and more so . I think if I go LED the switching from light bar to dip only will be less of a shock if the dip is not just a bit better buy the white light as well ??
  15. Fantastic.....will be delving deep into these units and pricing..superb and thankyou
  16. My existing lighting is dire...1985 v8 90 . I have a huge frobt LED light bar which is superb lights up the whole road...but when I have to switch off and go to dip beam its like "eeeeek wheres the f road gone ..." lol I have tried bigger bulbs ..still dreadfull So thinking LED headlamps? Seen some at £400 plus (pass) and some as cheap as £38 a pair on bay of E .(,seems too cheap to be any good? ) So. Q1. If E marked are they a legal upgrade on a 1986 truck ?. 2. Which are the ones to go for ...spec..price etc? Even links 😊 Help !
  17. https://megasquirt-v8.co.uk/diff_gearing.php Have a play with my calculator, ................. start with say a stock LR then what you have now ..then work back to get to more facctory standard numbers if truck weighs more then go under on gearing vs over Nige
  18. Some rivett counter will pay daft money for that ! Try some of the facebook Series forums,........ but brace yourself for a level of moronity that reaches levels you will never have encountered ..........
  19. Stephen You sir are a bloody star. I am going to have some id these horrible units cnc made with a monster neodymium magnet with a flange head ( ie socket or spanner to do / undo) as my others having spent an age getting on out for my disabled mate . Lm me your address and when made you can have a freebie 😊 Nige
  20. Iys the actual thread size i am after Not sure if its Bsp Bspt of Cpt.... All.so bloody close 🙄
  21. Can anyone help please ? R380 Level plug - the nasty one with a T55 Torx fitting ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/143522727674?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=143522727674&targetid=1002021776353&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006878&poi=&campaignid=10195651178&mkgroupid=107296207892&rlsatarget=pla-1002021776353&abcId=1145987&merchantid=7100224&gclid=CjwKCAiA7939BRBMEiwA-hX5J7y0zPZT-p5N9HiciZeUGvEUVGDGprZgLkRDx5AhVW1roHxjdseA9hoCkogQAvD_BwE Anyone know what the thread is on this please ?? Nige
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