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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. I think I like Auto's Saw a great 'Auto' cartoon once. Won't post up it as I can't... It had a picture of an auto box with an arrow pointing at the input shaft saying "huge expectations" and an arrow at the output shaft end saying "massive disappointment" But it's all so easy - I like easy
  2. That's because you are still young but "hate" is a strong word
  3. Sorry to the OP for a) My rant and b) the hi-jack
  4. Big whizzy whizzy machines that turn blocks of metal stuff into winch porn? Welding porn? Axle porn? Laser etching porn?
  5. In general I'm a bit of a grumpy old cynic. I've made a new years resolution to my wife to be nicer to keyboard warriors, over zealous troll hunters and other internet annoyances. I need to really. Life is getting shorter by the day. So here's a few reasons for my grumpy and somewhat childish replies to some of the posts on this thread. I don't like upgraded boost pins. They are often a simple bodge for a tired engine. Note the word often. I believe in treating engines (except those in hire cars or company cars) as I would want to be treated myself. With love, care, respect and a bit of pampering. Engines become tired as they get used. As they get tired they produce less power - except the 2.25 petrol which just gets better and better. To make power from that tired engine. Bring on the love. Set it back to factory, refresh the worn bits, give it love and attention. Then improve it. All engines diesel and petrol work better with some head work - forced induction or not. How it is done is important. It will improve flow. Same goes for induction and exhaust. Although excess exhaust flow will 'pull' oil out of some turbo's (for those of you who like to read, read anything by Dave Vizard on engine tuning) Factory settings make a good bench mark Adequate gearing and a diet removes the need for more power. Look at the Scandinavian Rock Crawlers - a 1.9 VW Tdi banging out 100/115 bhp and about 150ft/lb, coupled to super low gearing and a light frame will do better than a barge with an LS6 and Spider Trax super ballast axles. It's the old Jeep issue - more power needs stronger, stronger means heavier, heavier means more power. Anyone here ever drive The Red Ibex? Lowish power, slush box, 1.44 and 4.7 shaved Salisbury's front and back, running through 35's. Great truck. One of the best, despite the oil leaks and it's ability to fill with water... I hate and loathe needless complexity. I don't build stuff for the sake of building. Hell I'm a dad, I know my reproductive organs are adequately proportioned enough to breed with. I build stuff when I have no choice, or I'm bored. I'm rarely bored as I have so much to do I strongly believe that Daan's truck is the best truck I have ever seen... It's superb in it's simplicity and thought I suffer from a form of Dyslexia, where my brain works too fast to write stuff down. I have a high IQ but also suffer from OCD and occasionally Depression. This makes me very intolerant of real or imaginary incompetence - especially in myself. I shouldn't be allowed to use social media in any form as I get annoyed, then intolerant, then wound up as I can't say what I want fast enough, then annoyed because my reply is unsatisfactory, then upset because if I was in the pub I could have explained what I meant.... I live in the real world. Kids, mortgage, generally crappy job, not enough pay, too much tax, not enough time to run my other businesses unless my family doesn't see me, not enough holiday, trying to keep my wife happy, trying to manage a teenage daughter.... But I don't hide behind this. I accept it and work round it. So despite tools and a work shop I rarely get stuff done anymore. But this is now. 10, 20, 30 years ago stuff was different. I did stuff. Proved I could do it, then proved it again just because I could. I have no need to prove anything to anyone anymore. I have the T - shirt and the stuffed toy. Albeit both are a bit frayed now... So if I say something it generally has a strong foundation to it - not because I read it in a book or saw it on You Tube, but because I tried it, made the mistake and learned. Add this to the previous paragraph and that's why I am what I am. Happy New Year one and all
  6. I do remember one issue with it. On failed hill climb it wouldn't hold in reverse with a dead engine. So without brake assistance it would simply roll back, turn the engine over - it made for easy failed hill climbs because you could bump start it. It also had issues with control over downhill sections. Again a bit of the old Eric Carlson needed... At the time I attributed it to too high a gearing. Although I had never seen that issue with a 33" clad Disco before. Now this was at least ten years ago, so some water has gone under the bridge. Ideas have changed, new experiences experienced etc. You got married, had kids, so did Dan; hell even I became a dad twice more... But I do still wonder why. Joe's 90 was doing the same thing IIRC. I advised both Ash and Joe to change the R&P as that was fashionable at the time - but I was under the impression Ash was running a 1.44 then. Joe's 90 was about as heavy a 90 as will still run on the road and was running 35's..... If I was Ash, I'd be tempted to 'borrow' a 1.44 T box for a trial run. I remember the vehicle well - it was nice. Well thought out. Obviously not as nice as your old bus, but I did like Ash's soft top... What happened to Mick's double cab Mazda Tomcat?
  7. John, Red are about 15 miles away from my house and I've watched them making winches for years now, since the first winches for Supacat. Their stuff is winch porn - in fact all their stuff is porn. Even the medical kit. I could watch their machines producing stuff all day.... They make good coffee as well
  8. Mike, is Ash's bowler that red one - the one I met back when I first met you...?
  9. need a trailer in very good condition as well....
  10. forgot to say, speed is not the king here - reliability is. Only one company in the world make a really good fast, crazy reliable, sexy beautiful winch that is the dogs dangling repro organs - and that is Red Winches. Sex on the front (or rear oooer) of your truck, that can go all day, all night and all day again for weeks on end and still look gorgeous....
  11. Like Fridge said - small scale argument or generations long clan war? Like Arjan, I use X9's. Not for you really. Rarer by the day, old school, need regular servicing due to not being that waterproof; against pulls all day, huge range of motors, cheap as chips if you buy and re-build (huge money if not) and reliable as can be. If I were to advise - and no doubt someone would shoot me down here - by a cheap disposable winch like AEW/GEW/Master Winch/Cheaper Champion. Get a deal with plastic string and a blingy fair lead. Then learn to use it - get training; although by that I mane proper training and not a 50 quid half, shared with 20 other people at a popular venue in the East Midlands or North Yorkshire. Then use the thing - work it until it die, then re-build it, then kill it again. By this time you will have saved up for a Talon or one of Uncle David's nice TDS's; or you will have bought one of my nice re-built, up motored X9's....
  12. Read what? Oh that... Nope, just ignored it. Just saw a load of jumbled words that sounded like "blah, blah, blah..." Happy Christmas
  13. I was referring to the standard 'fast response' I know better, he must be wrong attitude of some internet posters, using big long posts to prove the wrongness and rightness of differing opinion, rather than discuss what might or might not be right... I can't be bothered to argue. I just can't. It's a new tactic I am trying on social media. Let the OP follow your guidance as you are obviously right and I am so obviously wrong.
  14. Oh dear... Here we go again... Tell you what Perv, just bang on a VNT, wind it up to the max, keep the gearing high - and buy a replacement engine for later Nigel - how did you make it 13.5%? Was my maths that rubbish
  15. Daan did some interesting research work on 'coolers - worth looking at; it's in the write up about his motor I've been messing with 200's for years now - since '91 I reckon the biggest difference pound for pound was the head work. I also found that most of the 'classic' power fixes - like boost pins and too much pump tweaking (ooer) simply robbed Peter to pay Paul - you lost out lower rpm grunt but gained in mid and top range. This is exacerbated by over gearing - ie lobbing on a set of tyres that are 10% over standard in OD and the best part of 20% wider; and have a great rolling resistance due to being super grippy in the mud... Hence the gearing suggestion. If you throw in a Defender T box it would be better - obviously not a 1.66 early box because then it will top out at 55mph, but a 1.44; or change the R&P's Then take the engine back to standard settings - default if you like. Whip the head off and get it ported, valves re cut and ground. Whilst you can see inside, give it some love - maybe even go on to new rings, valve guides, stem seals etc. Once that's done, lose the boost pin and tweak the pump carefully and by the book - 15 minutes at a time. Road test it and mark the changes. You'll feel when you lose the bottom end response, then back off. Big intercoolers are not the way to go - bigger than standard is cool. The best for a 200 seems to be the 300 plus 50% jobbie that Alisport do... If you want more power then look at a Nitrous spray - massive power increase and easy to control
  16. Kyowa UJ's that's what you need - decent quality cold forged Japanese steel... about a quid more than a (most likely forgery) GKN or Timkin
  17. Hmmm What's a Genuine Bosch Boost Pin Upgrade? Is it just a re-profiled boost pin? Set it all back to standard. Stage 2 head works Mild tweak of the wastegate Make intercooler flow a tadge better 12.00 to 12.30 on the diaphragm with some careful star wheel tweaks Change the ring and pinions
  18. Don't forget that Gwyn has had to change his rear mounts to stand up to the over damping of the new Chinese made OME shocks
  19. I know of a lump and box for 400notes - came out of a rotter. Good engine
  20. It'll be a post August version Too good to break. Worth keeping for that money - or selling to me for the same money
  21. I only really use eBay for those annoying fastenings that LR sell in huge quantities ... Or for Axes. I collect axes and you do get the odd nice one crop up for sensible money
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