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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. OK, I drove into the water, how do I make the movie clip appear on screen so I can add captions?
  2. As Pyrover says, it depends what you want to achieve. I used some mesh and four bolts each side: (best photo I have) Not pretty, not particularly secure (although the bolts have twin nylocs on them) but it looks the part and would make it harder to smash the windows and reach in. That said, the front windows are still vulnerable but if you were really interested you could go in through the hardtop sides with a Stihl saw. There's nothing worth stealing inside and I think this has much more effect than 6mm plate over all the windows.
  3. I think in this case 'simple chromotography' = 'a pile of paper'.
  4. Try to get yourself an Alan Rogers camping book - George and I toured round last summer, finding a site each evening. Sites in the Rogers book are quite infrequent but you're guaranteed a good shower and pitch at each. We found a few of note that weren't in his book, but rather more with very .. ahem .. "French" facilities too. For a decent nights kip we'd head for a Rogers site and he didn't let us down except for one, which had become a motorway toll plaza.
  5. Be aware it'll cost you a lot more than that if you do have to call out a local operator to drag you across a continent... I've never had an argument with the coin bins on the Severn Bridge either, they always accept my suggestion that the LR is a 'car'.
  6. There's more to it than just filling a volume with air (and at the air velocities we're looking at through the intake, it's a pretty small time anyway). Consider with the chargecooler that you're taking advantage of better heat transfer to the fluid, but then have to dump that to atmosphere anyway so there are two transfers taking place. Then think about the extra weight of the more complex system and the performance penalty if it packs up early in a lap - I'd take a large charge cooler if the choice was available.
  7. How much movement is there in the wheel bearings? A slack one could make the difference between contact and clearance, especially if it was only during heavy cornering (hence the rusty marks)
  8. Green Flag covered me round Europe last year for £13 a month including home recovery ... I think :S
  9. After a burst of hope I now definately can't join you. Have a good time and take plenty of photos - I'll try to head down the same way in summer so take notes too
  10. SimonR's new vehicle surprised the whole field, masquerading as a rollerskate on each hand and knee. Despite being registered as a new vehicle he escaped Gordon's 4x4 tax too.
  11. Surely to calibrate these equations, we can just use the published MPG and CO2 specs for any (or a range of) new vehicles to see which correlates closest? Being a maintenance engineer I've identified the problem and generated a process, but not actually done anything to solve it.
  12. I tried water spray onto the intercooler - it was only experimental but gave 50degrees EGT drop at 90mph/700degrees C, but no extra speed or perceivable power so I took it off again. I think the standard LR intercooler is ok for heat capacity because it's reasonably heavy, but heat soaks quickly because it's not that large. I'd be tentatively interested in playing with water injection if I could find a cheap (read "free") water injector. I can make the rest of the kit up easily enough.
  13. The worrying thing is, it's 10% comedy and 90% shrewd observation and common sense
  14. He can issue a 'refusal to test' form before the test commences "if, in his opinion an examination of the vehicle would involve a danger of injury to any person or damage to the vehicle or other property." (from the intro to the MOT inspection manual) I'd say that would have to be a lot of oil though.
  15. 40p less than diesel price? That means that this budget's increase on fuel tax is actually a greater percentage of the pump price you pay, all packaged up as good news!
  16. This brings back memories. Just a couple of points to add to Les's excellent step-by-step guide: * To get the copper washers for the injectors out of the head, wedge a pencil down there and withdraw it - they'll stick to the tapered wood. * When you remove the inlet manifold, look carefully at the witness marks on the gasket face of the inlet manifold because the ports may not line up perfectly and this engine needs all the help it can get! A little work with a dremel here can unleash a few more ashmatic lame half-dead ponies. * Inspect the hot-spots carefully for cracking, and be aware that these are a common problem. They're easy to replace, they just tap in, but they're not too cheap - be aware of this if you're planning a rebuild on a "shops-shut" day.
  17. That's odd, it seems to be a pin-point representation of every University town in the UK...
  18. Does he need an SVA if it's only outriggers and a crossmember? He's not chopping the rails if it's staying 100".
  19. What Pugwash says about chains in boxes is probably all true but there's no such devil-worshipping jiggery-pokery in a diff, prop movement = wheel movement. If you have one and not the other, then there's something wrong with that axle. You could turn a prop and look in through the oil filler hole to see if the crownwheel's spinning, but if you pulled two intact (rear) halfshafts you're going to need to drop the diff out anyway. The front is similar but a little more complicated because of the CVs.
  20. Fuel's up 2p/litre and you lot are whinging about £15 over three years... perspective, chaps.
  21. Indeed, but I'm a bright lad and I've no idea what unfounded has been lightly varnished with dressed up as evidence and put into Excel. I certainly can't tell whether my Ninety uses more fuel in its lifetime than it takes to screw it together initially. !
  22. The through-life carbon cost of a Prius is poor compared to a standard vehicle (anyone have any numbers on this, or would it spoil a decent argument?) but the technology needs to develop, and it needs volume manufacture to push this. I imagine steam traction engines looked like a lot of steelwork for 4mph compared to a horse and gin... ...but you can release it more efficiently. Consider: an engine gives best brake specific fuel consumption (grammes of fuel per kilowatt-hour) at wide-open throttle. Hybrids aim to run the engine at this condition, take the energy required for propulsion and put the rest into a battery for a while, then switch the engine off and run electric. The overall cycle efficiency is greater than running the engine the whole time on part throttle.
  23. Every bus operating in London has a CRT filter to reduce particulate - even the 1960s Routemasters. The Prius does run on petrol, but uses electric power to store energy so it can be generated in the most efficient way from the engine, rather than supplied in a less efficient way to meet the demand of the driver. The proof is in 45mpg from the Prius, a decent size family car - it's an alternative approach to diesels. The same technology on diesels shows a smaller gain, but 30% on top of a 60mpg Passat etc will be worth having. The same is true for hybrid buses (every London bus will be hybrid by 2012 too), and since they can use regenerative braking to store energy during stop-start, they can see a 30% fuel economy benefit.
  24. It's probably worth searching for some pics of RobHybrid's cage, it's similar to that above, IIRC it went over the back too. Fag-packet vapour truck feeling says that steep straight stays would still be stronger than bent stays though, it depends how fast you expect to be going when your a*se starts gripping the cushion...
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