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Posts posted by Nigelw

  1. Funny, I gave them an opportunity to get loads of publicity and tons of photo's of "selected" products being fitted and in action on a future project, they turned it down as the deal was to supply those selected parts at 50% retail price, seems Bearmach are very keen to get in on it due to project being internet based for the build up and then the vehicle will be running and competing in Europe.

    Strange to me but hey ho.

  2. A request for as many pictures as possible for the aircon system on a 200Tdi Disco.

    Feel free to put as many on for me as you can, Drawings from my book do not match what I think I should be seeing under the bonnet????/

  3. The numcat links seem to be broken and I can't seem to find a comprehensive list of hoses to work out which I would need for a LHD 200Tdi?

    Might just be easier to get them made and heaven to betsy with the cost.

  4. Need to get a set of aircon hoses but for a 200Tdi Disco LHD they are rare as rocking horse ploppy plop plops.

    What alternatives are available in terms of having them made up?

    I have the condenser unit and they were cut off just at the bulk head when it was removed so I have the steel pipes to couple to there but need to find a solution for the rest.

    Would a domestic A/C service dept be able to make them up do you think?

    Any ideas?

  5. You mean a 300TDi? :ph34r:

    No Ben, Henk wants to take off the Vee pulleys and convert to serp type pulleys and belt to run a bigger alternator, think his Ferrari is getting closer to completion :ph34r:

    I considered it as I had an offer of a good 100A alt off a 300 and with having an A/C compressor for OBA that is serp pulley I wondered if it was possible? But in all honesty junked it due to the extra strain on the water pump bearings, 300s were designed and built to run tension and serp configuration where as a 200 was Vee belt designed for contact not pressure!!!

    But having said that I did look at having a custom crank pulley made just to run the compressor and extra alternator, still on the board as just wanna finish my beast first.

  6. What is the torque setting for the P/H rod bolts? I haven't my manual close but that will tell you whether or not they are clamping or lose fitting, but I cannot believe they would be loose fitting due to the stresses that are in play and if they were then they would surely elongate the mounting holes quite quickly under movement!

    Although this is a subject I have been thinking on recently after swapping out my bushes from metalastic to poly bushes, now the poly bushes will offer no resistance to the inner tube being tight as they will roll inside the bush, you could see for yourself by fitting only a set of P/H rod poly bushes as a cheap sacrificial real world test and see how you get on?? That's kind of what I am doing with my own truck, read up loads on them and couldn't get a clear answer.

    Interestingly I believe the tightening of the bolts onto the inner tubes is to help set and maintain suspension resistance through the bushes as well as the springs and dampers, yes the springs and dampers do set the height but the metalastic bushings will help to maintain it, shot bushes are something I often associate with sagging springs as there is more load on the bushes and they fail much sooner.

    Sorry just thinking outside the box a little :ph34r:

  7. As soon as everything arrives Ill get some work done and give an update because its been far too long!. Think I might be suffering from some of those mid project blues that have been mentioned :mellow:

    Don't sweat it, I hit the bottom and have bounced back, although work is getting in the way now :angry2: But I have been following this and think it is really coming along, if you end up driving it over this side of the channel on another Eurotrip be sure to pop in for coffee ;)

    when you thinking on it being completed?

  8. I wasn't really bothered about the trailer light being illuminated to be honest, I had considered making a seperate loom up for the bumper and doing some more wiring and multi plugging but with the amount of wiring I have done on this thing already I don't really fancy it right now, just a set of lights in the bumper would keep me happy for now :D

    But when the rear quarters come off in the winter I might feel more like tidying up and making good and proper job of it :rolleyes:

  9. Whilst looking around the tube I found various videos of products that you add to the oil and Petron Plus was one which came up and I asked on another forum about it as we had had a discussion about Molyslip before and thought I would throw it up with them, but I have seen loads of videos and I can only say that what I have seen in them does not match what I have seen in real life!!!

    An oil pressure gauge and separate warning light would be your only guarantee of knowing what pressure is there and what is happening in the engine!

  10. Good advice there, I think a lot of us take it for granted that because it is new it will be perfect.

    I always used to bench test my new glow plugs before fitting, you would be surprised how many are dead before they are even fitted to the engine!!!

  11. That is just what I wanted to hear :D

    I have to remove the bumper to fully assess the rear body cross member and as I already have the 300Tdi bumper with the lights in it and it is in far better shape than the current 200s bumper I want to swap it, and the extra lights would be a real bonus, you can never have enough rearward facing lights!!!

  12. Silly question I know but the theory says they will swap nut and bolt fashion but what about in practice?

    And probably a weird ask but......

    As I have no intentions of ever towing can I just take the trailer cable and wire up the bumper lights using that or is there a more preferred method?

  13. Put a KAM Forged cross shaft in a std one, and then lock it

    Stronger than std and cheap mod

    LSD centre diff is the same thing around a Locker vs a LSD ...


    You sure I can do this on an LT230? (no am not questioning your word!!) Just can't find it on the WWW.

  14. Prefer not to have a viscous coupling in the Tbox TBH hence why I liked the auto locking center diff.

    Sorry having extreme mental blocking today, and the wife says I am behaving like a child, I am blaming the solvents in the parts washer :hysterical::rofl::rofl:

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