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Posts posted by Nigelw

  1. I have been thinking on this all bloomin day after reading this thread last night.

    Start off cheap and simple, "A" frame bushes and ball joint, radius arm bushes, trailing arm bushes, UJs, Slip joints on props, if you run a 300Tdi with separate front drive members then check those too, although after the cheapies it gets more expensive so test them all out and let us know how you get on with it.

    There are quite a few more but they are normal culprits for this issue.

  2. I simply cut the sealing lip away from the seal when I fitted the stub axles, but I do remember seeing a video on you tube of a failed drive member where it had rusted and worn very badly although I tend to lean toward the thinking that there may have been a lack of maintenance in that vehicles history not just the lack of lubrication to the drive member, but I wanted to run oil lubed everything and try to minimize potential for wear and tear issues later on, I went down the route of the H/D flanges as they were the closest I could find to a fit and forget solution as the drive flanges are covered by the deep dish alloys and I would rather only having the hub seal to worry about if I spot oil on the inside of the wheel.

    I did actually find the CV was seized on the shaft too, something of a common problem with trucks running one-shot and not EP90?

  3. I did loads of wiring on my project, I am no auto sparks but suffice to say I learned to do things correctly when I was an apprentice on the farm, lets just say, a steel rule across your knuckles when you make a small mistake, I watched my fellow apprentice get the rule for using scotch locks when he fitted the CB in the tractor, after that I learned his lesson and asked what I should need and do to fit it correctly, been doing it fine ever since.

  4. Surely it would be easy enough to stick a cheap pop-up gazebo or even a wooden or tin shed inside the existing barn as a work space?

    Kind of yes and no all at the same time :unsure: we are now in the middle of the breeding season, I do have a bay of my own at the back of the barn but at this time of year we are working an average of 90hrs/wk and although I do get an hour here and there to fettle a little it can be an uninterrupted two hours or just about to pull something apart and the vets walk through the door and it is time to start scanning the evening mares, I do have my whole day off to tinker and do a bit but with the really freaky mares it is not a good thing to fire up the grinder to start popping and fizzling the welder when they are in the control box and the vet is up to his arm pit in its back side, lets just say that I have had some very close calls to being seriously hurt by the freaky ones and that is just handling them and getting them into the box to be felt, we have a current such beast that is being sent home without being felt in the control box simply because it can not be safely handled in the barn yet alone in the control box!!!

    I have times when it is ok to work away but it can be a mornings wait for the vets to go on their rounds and for the grinding and welding to commence!!

    I have my plan now and I am going to stick to it, not as much grinding and welding as was originally planned and ok it will have to be cut out and done again in the future but I have no problem with that now as I am having to put some of the planned mods on the back burner due to actually wanting to drive the truck before the winter sets in again, when winter comes back I will be putting up a garden marquee inside the barn and should be able to keep it warm enough when working on Rusty during the quiet period.

  5. I have a greater luxury than most in having the barn to work in where as a lot of guys have only the driveway/roadside to work away on but as this is the back of our barn I can't really kit it out too much in terms of turning it into a full blown workshop unfortunately, but I did buy a second cheapo grinder for exactly the reason you mentioned, save for the fact that it now features part of the main tool selection as the good one decided to retire early!!

    Although, our current barn will be torn down and a brand new building will be put up in the next year or so, I am in discussions with the boss about having a proper workshop to all to myself, not just for my addiction of fixing old English cars but to maintain our farm equipment too, there have been so many a time when I have wanted to fabricate something for the loader or build a piece of machinery to use on the farm but often the lack of proper place to be cutting and welding steel without setting fire to the straw stocks has always been a stumbling block, but over winter when things are very much calmer here I have a much slower turn over of straw and can keep the stock area quite low and have space for tinkering for a good while without worry, but like now we are in the middle of the breeding season with the horses and I have literally just come in from the evening shift, and we are set to get busier in the coming weeks too, but I have my plans for my days off and use the time wisely now, I can spare an hour here and there for cutting plates and getting everything ready for the free day to get it done.

    Gotta get my buying head together now as parts need to be ordered in advance and the build must continue!!

  6. Being a little spoilt by living in a country and location with lots of space, relatively low energy and fuel costs. stable economy (for now), all attributes conducive to building, using and maintaining vehicles, I do take my hat off to many of you in the Northern Hemisphere for your hardiness, determination and enthusiasm to even in some cases get out there in the cold, rain, sleet or snow to pursue special builds, repairs, or even basic maintenance. I feel very much a slacker by comparison.

    Well done to all.

    When this picture was taken Bill it was minus 1 Celsius and beginning to snow again, couldn't use my heater cannon either as it would have blown the shielding gas away when welding but it did see a lot of use that night and day!!!


    This is from the torrents of rain we get here regularly, although it normally does not get this bad!!!




    This winter was unusually long and we saw weeks on end with minus temps and loads of snow, but that is probably why my build has been so delayed with snow into late March :o:o Also a big factor in the depression of a very long and hard winter working out in it all day every day too!!!!

    But as most who dip into the members vehicles forum will see the pace has been picked up with http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=79562'> Project Rusty

  7. When I bought the V8 Disco off Ebay I was in Belgium and the car in Portsmouth, simple payment via western union and it was delivered to my mums waiting for shipping to me, will admit I was very lucky as I got a spot on motor and was thoroughly impressed by it when it came not a total rot box or anything but I got lucky for once so it seems.

    A million ways to pay if you want it bad enough!!!

  8. Well I'm sure if the cost of parts is an issue, we may be able to help over here? (Don't know if bits are substantially more expensive over with you?)

    Hell yeah!!! Normally the hitters are exchange rates and shipping if from the UK but over here anything to do with Landies is expensive!!!

    I looked at Heavy track shocks and found them 2/3 the price in the UK compared with over here and simple consumables are expensive too, I quote 54.09 euro for a bottle of locktite(small bottle too!) :o either that is expensive or I really am out of touch :unsure: I am hitting all of the parts suppliers with my offer for advertising within my build thread on the Belgian forum as it gets a lot of hits with every new post(in excess of 25-30 new views with every new post!!) so perhaps there could be some sort of sponsorship for parts from one of them? I have had some freebies in terms of refunds for the polybush kit for the D1 and the H/D drive members have been refunded too as a gesture from a very impressed store owner who I have already spent a lot of money with, so will see what they say when I hold out my begging bowl :ph34r:

  9. Some of my biggest hurdles at the moment are the cost of parts!!

    I have spent so long trying to get things done on my project in as near perfect way as I can so I don't have to come back and do it all again, I want to replace the whole inner wings and fit once and forget and cut chunks out of the floor to repair that too and chop out the entire bottom of the door post to put that right, but at the moment I am struggling to find the money to source both inner wings and the new shocks, the other problems such as the window wipers now deciding not to work in intermittent or high speed wiping is a nuisance too but I have been talking with my girl friend and we devised a plan.......

    Originally wanted to......

    1) Replace both inner wings

    2) Replace shocks with Koni Heavy Tracks

    3) Replace springs with OME +2"

    Decided to.......

    1) Patch inner wings for now to a standard good enough to get through the MOT with a mind to buy the new replacement panels to be fitted before the next test.

    2) Will replace old shocks with Britpart cheapies to get through the MOT, see note 3 for reason why....

    3) Will not replace springs until the cheapies are shot and will do complete Koni and OME+2" suspension set all at once.

    There, feel better after talking it all over with herself, bearing in mind I use her wages to subsidize the build too :ph34r:

    So been out and done some measuring of plate sizes needed and will be busy cutting those out tomorrow night, and then welding them in on Wednesday as it will be my day off :) So thanks a lot guys for the encouragement to get on with it and to stop looking for reasons not to get it done for the Belgian national ;)

  10. What, you got the ladies lined up outside your door or summatt? Ther's your problem right there. You're always too knackered to think about mundane stuff like working on LandRovers. Tell em you are taking breeding season off this year to recharge your batteries. Then get stuck in. Er, stuck into the LandRover that is. :i-m_so_happy:

    That brought a real smile to my face Bill, but sadly I am not Stavross the Italian stallion I am more stavross the kebab man LOL

    I am a horse wrangler at a veterinary practice/breeding farm, and now it is breeding time, we are coming into the busiest time and like now I am just in after breeding a mare to Diamant De Semily, and at 1000 euro for 2.5ml of semen it is done with the endoscope, lots of preparation and stress when you are breeding that sort of money and with no guarantees either!!

    I read some earlier comments and then tootled off outside and removed the old metalastic bushes and fitted new poly bushes in the trailing arms of Rusty, and I have a plan for tomorrow night, welding can wait until Wednesday but bit of spannering to get me going again, I kind of slumped a little when the high of fitting my newly renovated interior was drop kicked when I tested the floor and door pillar for integrity and found it was masquerading as a salad sieve!!! Since then it has been hard to get going again, but I really must!!!

  11. I did wonder why you would risk so much money by building it on that ID and possibly lose it on a roadside check ..... they mention that they have taken it around Africa which got me thinking, would the 1972 age plate mean they were able to get a much cheaper Carnet?

    If you had all the receipts it would be a good idea to Q-Plate it surely?

    Q plating would be the best solution as it would be a real shame to see such a nice build be destroyed, and yes they still crush cars without valid insurance and this one has not got any regardless of what the certificate says!!!

    I can only imagine it started life as a series three and when tax exemption came it got a coiler chassis and axles and as it went unnoticed for so long it just progressed into something very wonderful but with a secret that only a VOSA roadside check would reveal.

    I doubt the new owner is wise to the facts that we all know and they probably will never know untill.........

  12. I did a task list a couple of months ago - to be honest it didn't encourage me! I'm almost twelve months into this chassis up rebuild and I can +just+ see the end now. The last few months have been very hard to justify to myself as its cost an absolute fortune and eaten so many hours. At the end it will be a truck that I'll keep for as long as I'm driving but its still going to be an '84 90 worth next to nothing. When I was 20 it would have been 6 months from start to finish........

    I tried making a list and then at the end of reading it I was even more depressed!!! Then my eye was caught by the bottle of Famous Grouse and although I felt a little more cheerful it didn't help the project progress!!

    You are right there, when I was in my early twenties I took on a series 3 which needed a lot of work and had it nailed in two months including complete tear down and new 1/2 chassis, although back then I had a very expendable income which I just don't have now, it took me a months saving between me and my girlfriend to buy the new tyres and even then it was a struggle to afford them, and the hardest part here is that everything has to come from the UK or I get raped financially which means I can end up spending big time on small stuff buying here or waiting around for bigger items to be shipped over!!

    I suppose three weeks being flooded out in the yard with 10" of standing water inside the barn didn't help and a winter that has dragged snow on into late March was no big motivator either!!

    Also remember that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train, it's a repaired Disco 1 (all be it with upgraded headlamps)!

    Sorry Jeff, mine is a 200Tdi same as your's and I have the sherpa style lamps amd bulky black grille.

  13. The last couple of weeks we have been getting busier and busier at work as the the breeding season picks up after the long winter but I seem to be now suffering the "rebuild blues" I don't know what it is or how I seem to have come to feel like this but I really am struggling to carry on with the rebuild of Rusty.

    Started out great, made enormous progress over the first couple of months then winter came and froze/flooded me out and although I have done so much I really am struggling to gather motivation to keep going, my initial goal was to have it ready for the Belgian National rally in June but looking sketchy now as I lack motivation to go out and carry on.

    What have you lot done to pick yourselves up out of the blues and get it done?

    Any advice on a new plan of attack, the national is only a month away and I want to drive it further than the test station before we go :rolleyes:

  14. That really does not belong in here as it is an exceptionally nice truck and worth almost every penny of the bids so far(£13,700) save for the fact it is a blatant lie as to it's identity!!!

    Quick question, are there any laws in which the seller could be held accountable under for advertising this vehicle which is pretty much anything other than what it says so on paper!!!????

  15. Is there no real investigation as to why they are/were claiming the refund? I know it may seem silly but they are often perpetuating scams like this by not thoroughly investigating claims!!!

    Buyers and sellers can both be victims in any type of transaction!!!

  16. They may be noticeable on the brake test though, at least over here it's a two-roller that just turns the wheels opposite ways so they don't wreck the centre diff. Not sure how that'd work with a true-trac.

    Either bang or perfect braking without pedal movement LOL

    But I am still having difficulty understanding how a guy has had his T/box pop during the test :wacko: ???

    Air lockers are the only way, in or out at the flick of a switch!!

  17. I have been trying to get to grips with whether or not I can get homologation on a Dakar, rules say yes but practice says no? Also finding the rules seem to contradict themselves quite a bit when it comes to the difference between passenger carrying and light freight commercials based on the same car!!!

    It really is like playing the lotto when you go for the safety test, Jean-Pierre was fine for yeas with his "A" bar then one day spotted as not being on the papers and he got fined and had to remove it and the lights for it, the mind boggles :wacko:

  18. Have just recived the answer from the spanish engineering company about suspension and bobtailing MoT approval:

    Bobtailing: NO. Chassis legs can be chopped and make bumper flush with body, but bodyshell cannot be cutted.

    Suspension (homemade): MAYBE. Once made, a mechanical lab will say if it´s OK or no. Don´t need it, since I have discovered axle winching...

    "Lowrider" chassis: NO

    That I find interesting!!!

    We have an SVA type thing here and it must be the same for you too then?

    Although I would have thought a body mod might have been allowed if it was documented and engineering assessed?

  19. Yes that sounds about right!! Got it for a song even with the cost of hiring the trailer and the drive of 400 miles it is still a good price :hysterical:


    Stop joking about you two :glare:

    I had a little look through the web pages for Discoveries this afternoon and then a quick tally up of spends so far and let me just say I could have bought a tidy late 300Tdi Discovery with lots of toys and current MOT for what I have spent on my project so far :(

    But hey, it is much more fun to build it mend it and do it all your self :D:D:D

    So when do you think it will be completed? Or is that not a priority :ph34r:

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